29 May 2014

Enable Wake-On-LAN

NOTE: This is an old script. I have a newer and more efficient one located here.

This script will enable WOL and test to make sure it has been set. It will return whether it was a success or failure both to a log file and the screen. This script was written to also be incorporated with my new build logging process that I am getting ready to release soon. If you do not want this, just delete the buildlog and sequence variables out, along with their use in the ProcessLogFile function.

You can download the script from here.

   Enable Wake-On-LAN  
 .PARAMETER <paramName>  
   <Description of script parameter>  
   <An example of using the script>  
 #Declare Global Memory  
 Set-Variable -Name AppLog -Scope Global -Force  
 Set-Variable -Name BuildLog -Scope Global -Force  
 Set-Variable -Name Errors -Value $null -Scope Global -Force  
 Set-Variable -Name LogFile -Scope Global -Force  
 Set-Variable -Name RelativePath -Scope Global -Force  
 Set-Variable -Name Sequence -Scope Global -Force  
 Set-Variable -Name Title -Scope Global -Force  
 Function ConsoleTitle ($Title){  
      $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $Title  
 Function DeclareGlobalVariables {  
      $Global:AppLog = "/lvx "+$Env:windir + "\Logs\ApplicationLogs\WakeOnLAN.log"  
      $Global:BuildLog = $Env:windir + "\Logs\BuildLogs\Build.log"  
      $Global:LogFile = $Env:windir + "\Logs\BuildLogs\WakeOnLAN.log"  
      $Global:Sequence = "08"  
      $Global:Title = "Wake On LAN"  
 Function GetRelativePath {   
      $Global:RelativePath = (split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent)+"\"   
 Function EnableWOL {  
      # Get all physical ethernet adaptors  
      $nics = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter -filter "AdapterTypeID = '0' `  
      AND PhysicalAdapter = 'true' `  
      AND NOT Description LIKE '%Centrino%' `  
      AND NOT Description LIKE '%wireless%' `  
      AND NOT Description LIKE '%virtual%' `  
      AND NOT Description LIKE '%WiFi%' `  
      AND NOT Description LIKE '%Bluetooth%'"  
      foreach ($nic in $nics) {  
           $nicName = $nic.Name  
           $Output = "NIC:"+$nicName+[char]10  
           Write-Host "NIC:"$nicName  
           $Output = $Output + "Allow the computer to turn off this device....."  
           Write-Host "Allow the computer to turn off this device....." -NoNewline  
           $nicPower = Get-WmiObject MSPower_DeviceEnable -Namespace root\wmi | where {$_.instancename -match [regex]::escape($nic.PNPDeviceID) }  
           If ($nicPower.Enable -ne $True) {  
                $nicPower.Enable = $True  
                $Temp = $nicPower.psbase.Put()  
           If ($nicPower.Enable -eq $True) {  
                $Output = $Output + "Enabled"  
                Write-Host "Enabled" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
           } else {  
                $Output = $Output + "Failed"  
                Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Red  
           $Output = $Output + [char]10  
           $Output = $Output + "Allow this device to wake the computer....."  
           Write-Host "Allow this device to wake the computer....." -NoNewline  
           $nicPowerWake = Get-WmiObject MSPower_DeviceWakeEnable -Namespace root\wmi | where {$_.instancename -match [regex]::escape($nic.PNPDeviceID) }  
           If ($nicPowerWake.Enable -ne $True) {  
                $nicPowerWake.Enable = $True  
                $Temp = $nicPowerWake.psbase.Put()  
           If ($nicPowerWake.Enable -eq $True) {  
                $Output = $Output + "Enabled"  
                Write-Host "Enabled" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
           } else {  
                $Output = $Output + "Failed"  
                Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Red  
           $Output = $Output + [char]10  
           $Output = $Output + "Only allow a magic packet to wake the computer....."  
           Write-Host "Only allow a magic packet to wake the computer....." -NoNewline  
           $nicMagicPacket = Get-WmiObject MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly -Namespace root\wmi | where {$_.instancename -match [regex]::escape($nic.PNPDeviceID) }  
           If ($nicMagicPacket.EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly -ne $True) {  
                $nicMagicPacket.EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly = $True  
                $Temp = $nicMagicPacket.psbase.Put()  
           If ($nicMagicPacket.EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly -eq $True) {  
                $Output = $Output + "Enabled"  
                Write-Host "Enabled" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
           } else {  
                $Output = $Output + "Failed"  
                Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Red  
      Out-File -FilePath $Global:LogFile -InputObject $Output -Append -Force  
 Function ProcessLogFile {  
      If ((Test-Path $Env:windir"\Logs") -eq $false) {  
           New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Env:windir"\Logs"  
      If ((Test-Path $Env:windir"\Logs\ApplicationLogs") -eq $false) {  
           New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Env:windir"\Logs\ApplicationLogs"  
      If ((Test-Path $Env:windir"\Logs\BuildLogs") -eq $false) {  
           New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Env:windir"\Logs\BuildLogs"  
      If ($Global:Errors -eq $null) {  
           If (Test-Path $Global:LogFile) {  
                Remove-Item $Global:LogFile -Force  
           $File1 = $Global:LogFile.Split(".")  
           $Filename1 = $File1[0]+"_ERROR"+"."+$File1[1]  
           If (Test-Path $Filename1) {  
                Remove-Item $Filename1 -Force  
           $Global:Errors = 0  
      } elseIf ($Global:Errors -ne 0) {  
           If (Test-Path $Global:LogFile) {  
                $File1 = $Global:LogFile.Split(".")  
                $Filename1 = $File1[0]+"_ERROR"+"."+$File1[1]  
                Rename-Item $Global:LogFile -NewName $Filename1 -Force  
      } else {  
           $LogTitle = $Global:Sequence + " - "+$Global:Title  
           Out-File -FilePath $Global:BuildLog -InputObject $LogTitle -Append -Force  
 Function ExitPowerShell {  
      If ($Global:Errors -ne $null) {  
           Exit 1  
 ConsoleTitle $Global:Title  
 Start-Sleep -Seconds 10  


  1. Really useful, thanks

  2. Thanks for this informative article. I had some troubles with Win 10. For example, after I upgraded it from win 8, my Wake-on-LAN does not work. I tried many things and finally I solved the problem.
    Here you can find how to configure Wake-on-LAN on Windows 10.

    how to configure Wake-on-LAN on Windows 10

    Hope it helps for somebody else who read this article.

  3. Thanks for this informative article. I had some troubles with Win 10. For example, after I upgraded it from win 8, my Wake-on-LAN does not work. I tried many things and

    finally I solved the problem.
    Here you can find how to configure Wake on LAN Windows 10
    Hope it helps for somebody else who read this article.
