02 August 2022

Configuring Wake-On-LAN for Dell Systems

The firm I am at has recently upgraded all systems to the newest model Dells. In doing so, some of the settings for configuring WOL have changed in the BIOS. I have rewritten this script to cover all changes to the OS, BIOS, and NIC. The script uses the DellSMBios PowerShell module to configure the BIOS settings. Thanks to these sites for pertinent information that helped with writing this tool:
And yes, I do realize I could have consolidated some of the code into a function that would have worked repetitively against each setting. 

The things that must be done to get this to work are:
  • BIOS: Disable CStatesCtrl
  • BIOS: Enable Wake-On-LAN either LanWlan or LanOnly
  • BIOS: Disable DeepSleepCtrl
  • BIOS: Disable BlockS3
  • NIC: Disable Energy Efficient Ethernet
  • NIC: Turn on Wake on Magic Packet
  • OS: Turn off Hibernation
  • OS: Enable Allow the computer to turn off this device is configured
This is a screenshot of the script after it successfully ran against a Dell 7090 machine. 

Here is the script that I wrote and works in our environment on Dell Optiplexes and Latitudes. 

You can download it from my GitHub site

           A description of the file.  
      .PARAMETER ConsoleTitle  
           Title for PowerShell console  
      .PARAMETER BIOSPassword  
           A description of the BIOSPassword parameter.  
           Created with:      SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2022 v5.8.209  
           Created on:       8/1/2022 8:16 AM  
           Created by:       Mick Pletcher  
           Filename:          WOL.ps1  
 function Set-BIOS {  
           Configure WOL in BIOS  
           Configure WOL in BIOS  
      param ()  
      #Import Dell BIOS Provider PowerShell Module  
      Try {  
           Import-Module -Name DellBIOSProvider  
      catch {  
           Find-Module -Name DellBIOSProvider | Install-Module -Force  
           Import-Module -Name DellBIOSProvider  
      #Set Wake-On-LAN to LanOnly  
      $BIOSItem = "PowerManagement\WakeOnLan"  
      $NewValue = "LanWlan"  
      #Check if LanWlan is available  
      If ($NewValue -notin ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem).PossibleValues) {  
           $NewValue = "LanOnly"  
      If (Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {  
           Write-Host ("BIOS" + [char]32 + $BIOSItem.split('\')[1] + ":" + [char]32) -NoNewline  
           If ((Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -ne $NewValue) {  
                If ($BIOSPassword) {  
                     Set-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -Value $NewValue -Force -Password $BIOSPassword  
                } else {  
                     Set-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -Value $NewValue -Force  
                If ((Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -eq $NewValue) {  
                     Write-Host $NewValue -ForegroundColor Yellow  
                else {  
                     Write-Host (Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -ForegroundColor Red  
           else {  
                Write-Host $NewValue -ForegroundColor Yellow  
      #Disable CState Control  
      $BIOSItem = "Performance\CStatesCtrl"  
      $NewValue = "Disabled"  
      #Test if CState exists  
      If (Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {  
           Write-Host ("BIOS" + [char]32 + $BIOSItem.split('\')[1] + ":" + [char]32) -NoNewline  
           If ((Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -ne $NewValue) {  
                If ($BIOSPassword) {  
                     Set-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -Value $NewValue -Force -Password $BIOSPassword  
                else {  
                     Set-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -Value $NewValue -Force  
                If ((Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -eq $NewValue) {  
                     Write-Host $NewValue -ForegroundColor Yellow  
                else {  
                     Write-Host (Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -ForegroundColor Red  
           else {  
                Write-Host $NewValue -ForegroundColor Yellow  
      #Disable Deep Sleep  
      $BIOSItem = "PowerManagement\DeepSleepCtrl"  
      $NewValue = "Disabled"  
      #Test if Deep Sleep exists  
      If (Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {  
           Write-Host ("BIOS" + [char]32 + $BIOSItem.split('\')[1] + ":" + [char]32) -NoNewline  
           If ((Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -ne $NewValue) {  
                If ($BIOSPassword) {  
                     Set-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -Value $NewValue -Force -Password $BIOSPassword  
                else {  
                     Set-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -Value $NewValue -Force  
                If ((Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -eq $NewValue) {  
                     Write-Host $NewValue -ForegroundColor Yellow  
                else {  
                     Write-Host (Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -ForegroundColor Red  
           else {  
                Write-Host $NewValue -ForegroundColor Yellow  
      #Disable Block S3  
      $BIOSItem = "PowerManagement\BlockS3"  
      $NewValue = "Disabled"  
      #Test if Block S3 exists  
      If (Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {  
           Write-Host ("BIOS" + [char]32 + $BIOSItem.split('\')[1] + ":" + [char]32) -NoNewline  
           If ((Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -ne $NewValue) {  
                If ($BIOSPassword) {  
                     Set-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -Value $NewValue -Force -Password $BIOSPassword  
                else {  
                     Set-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -Value $NewValue -Force  
                If ((Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -eq $NewValue) {  
                     Write-Host $NewValue -ForegroundColor Yellow  
                else {  
                     Write-Host (Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -ForegroundColor Red  
           else {  
                Write-Host $NewValue -ForegroundColor Yellow  
      #Disable C States  
      $BIOSItem = "PowerManagement\CStatesCtrl"  
      $NewValue = "Disabled"  
      #Test if CStatesCtrl exists  
      If (Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {  
           Write-Host ("BIOS" + [char]32 + $BIOSItem.split('\')[1] + ":" + [char]32) -NoNewline  
           If ((Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -ne $NewValue) {  
                If ($BIOSPassword) {  
                     Set-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -Value $NewValue -Force -Password $BIOSPassword  
                else {  
                     Set-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem) -Value $NewValue -Force  
                If ((Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -eq $NewValue) {  
                     Write-Host $NewValue -ForegroundColor Yellow  
                else {  
                     Write-Host (Get-Item -Path ("DellSmBios:\" + $BIOSItem)).CurrentValue -ForegroundColor Red  
           else {  
                Write-Host $NewValue -ForegroundColor Yellow  
 Function Set-AdvancedNIC {  
        #Get the Ethernet NIC  
      $NIC = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object {($_.PhysicalMediaType -eq '802.3') -and ($_.Status -eq 'Up')}  
        #Disable Energy Efficient Ethernet setting so NIC does not go to sleep  
   #Two variants of Energy Efficient Exist on different Dell models  
      #Check if Energy-Efficient Ethernet Exists  
      If (Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Energy-Efficient Ethernet' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {  
           Write-Host 'NIC Energy-Efficient Ethernet: ' -NoNewline  
           Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Energy-Efficient Ethernet' -DisplayValue 'Disabled'  
           If ((Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Energy-Efficient Ethernet').DisplayValue -eq 'Disabled') {  
                Write-Host 'Disabled' -ForegroundColor Yellow  
           else {  
                Write-Host 'Enabled' -ForegroundColor Red  
      #Check if Energy Efficient Ethernet Exists  
      If (Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Energy Efficient Ethernet' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {  
           Write-Host 'NIC Energy Efficient Ethernet: ' -NoNewline  
           Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Energy Efficient Ethernet' -DisplayValue 'Off'  
           If ((Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Energy Efficient Ethernet').DisplayValue -eq 'Off') {  
                Write-Host 'Off' -ForegroundColor Yellow  
           else {  
                Write-Host 'On' -ForegroundColor Red  
      #Turn on Wake on Magic Packet  
        #Check if Wake on Magic Packet Exists  
      If (Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Wake on Magic Packet' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {  
           Write-Host 'NIC Wake on Magic Packet: ' -NoNewline  
           Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Wake on Magic Packet' -RegistryKeyword '*WakeOnMagicPacket' -RegistryValue 1  
           If ((Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Wake on Magic Packet').DisplayValue -eq 'Enabled') {  
                Write-Host 'Enabled' -ForegroundColor Yellow  
           else {  
                Write-Host 'Disabled' -ForegroundColor Red  
      #Shutdown WakeOnLAN  
      If (Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Shutdown Wake-On-Lan' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {  
           Write-Host 'NIC Shutdown Wake-On-Lan: ' -NoNewline  
           Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Shutdown Wake-On-Lan' -DisplayValue 'Enabled'  
           If ((Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NIC.Name -DisplayName 'Shutdown Wake-On-Lan').DisplayValue -eq 'Enabled') {  
                Write-Host 'Enabled' -ForegroundColor Yellow  
           else {  
                Write-Host 'Disabled' -ForegroundColor Red  
 function Set-PowerManagement {  
           Enable Power Management  
           A detailed description of the Set-PowerManagement function.  
                     PS C:\> Set-PowerManagement  
           Additional information about the function.  
      param ()  
      #Turn off Hibernation  
   Write-Host ("OS Hiberboot:" + [char]32) -NoNewline  
   If ((Get-ItemProperty -Path REGISTRY::"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power").HiberbootEnabled -ne 0) {  
     Set-ItemProperty -Path REGISTRY::"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power" -Name HiberbootEnabled -Value 0 -Force  
   If ((Get-ItemProperty -Path REGISTRY::"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power").HiberbootEnabled -eq 0) {  
     Write-Host "Disabled" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
   } else {  
     Write-Host "Enabled" -ForegroundColor Red  
      #0 = Option 1 & 2 checked  
   #10 = Option 1 checked, 2 & 3 cleared  
   #24 = Option 1 unchecked  
   #256 = Option 1, 2, & 3 all checked  
   #264 = Option 2 & 3 Checked  
   #272 = Option 1 checked  
   #280 = Option 2 & 3 checked  
   $PNPValue = 256  
      $Adapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { ($_.Status -eq 'Up') -and ($_.PhysicalMediaType -eq '802.3') }  
      $KeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\'  
      foreach ($Entry in (Get-ChildItem $KeyPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Name) {  
           If ((Get-ItemProperty REGISTRY::$Entry).DriverDesc -eq $Adapter.InterfaceDescription) {   
                $Value = (Get-ItemProperty REGISTRY::$Entry).PnPCapabilities  
                If ($Value -ne $PnPValue) {  
                     Set-ItemProperty -Path REGISTRY::$Entry -Name PnPCapabilities -Value $PnPValue -Force  
                     Disable-PnpDevice -InstanceId $Adapter.PnPDeviceID -Confirm:$false  
                     Enable-PnpDevice -InstanceId $Adapter.PnPDeviceID -Confirm:$false  
                     $Value = (Get-ItemProperty REGISTRY::$Entry).PnPCapabilities }  
                If ($Value -eq $PnPValue) {  
                     Write-Host 'Allow the computer to turn off this device is configured' -ForegroundColor Yellow  
                } else {   
                     Write-Host 'Allow the computer to turn off this device Failed' -ForegroundColor Red  
                     Exit 1  
 #Set Console Title  
 $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $ConsoleTitle  


  1. I didn't need to set CStatesCtrl on the current 7010 Series.
