26 April 2012

Java Runtime Environment Installation Script

This VB script I wrote will uninstall all previous versions of Java Runtime Environment. It will also install both the x86 and x64 versions, depending on whether the OS is 64-bit compatible. It uses the msi installer, which can only be obtained by capturing it at %APPDATA\LocalLow\Sun\Java\<Version Number> by running the installation executable and before you click install, the msi has been extracted to the above directory. I got both the x86 and x64 versions, which I placed in separate sub-directories, due to the same names. The switches I used in this script are to activate auto updating of the software and opens up the display of all tabs in the java control panel applet.

Here is a link to download the script.

 '     Program: Install.vbs  
 '      Author: Mick Pletcher  
 '        Date: 26 April 2012  
 '    Modified:   
 '     Program: Java Runtime Environment  
 '     Version: 7u4  
 ' Description: This will uninstall previous versions and then installs  
 '                 the current version  
 '                 1) Define the relative installation path  
 '                 2) Create the Log Folder  
 '                 3) Uninstall all previous versions  
 '                 4) Install Current Version  
 '                 5) Cleanup Global Variables  
 Option Explicit  

 REM Define Constants  
 CONST TempFolder    = "c:\temp\"  
 CONST LogFolderName = "JavaRuntime"  

 REM Define Global Variables  
 DIM Architecture : Set Architecture = Nothing  
 DIM LogFolder    : LogFolder        = TempFolder & LogFolderName & "\"  
 DIM RelativePath : Set RelativePath = Nothing  

 REM Define the relative installation path  
 REM Create the Log Folder  
 REM Determine Architecture  
 REM Uninstall all Previous Versions  
 REM Installx86  
 If Architecture = "x64" Then  
      REM Installx64   
 End If  
 REM Cleanup Global Variables  


 Sub DefineRelativePath()  

      REM Get File Name with full relative path  
      RelativePath = WScript.ScriptFullName  
      REM Remove file name, leaving relative path only  
      RelativePath = Left(RelativePath, InStrRev(RelativePath, "\"))  

 End Sub  


 Sub CreateLogFolder()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM FSO : Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  

      If NOT FSO.FolderExists(TempFolder) then  
      End If  
      If NOT FSO.FolderExists(LogFolder) then  
      End If  

      REM Cleanup Local Variables  
      Set FSO = Nothing  

 End Sub  


 Sub DetermineArchitecture()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM WshShell : Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM OsType : OsType = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")  

      If OsType = "x86" then  
           Architecture = "x86"  
      elseif OsType = "AMD64" then  
           Architecture = "x64"  
      end if  

      REM Cleanup Local Variables
      Set WshShell = Nothing
      Set OsType   = Nothing

 End Sub  


 Sub Uninstall()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM Parameters      : Parameters      = Chr(32) & "/qb- /norestart"  
      DIM Uninstall01     : Uninstall01     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160010}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall02     : Uninstall02     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160020}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall03     : Uninstall03     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160030}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall04     : Uninstall04     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160040}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall05     : Uninstall05     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160050}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall06     : Uninstall06     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160060}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall07     : Uninstall07     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160070}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall08     : Uninstall08     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160080}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall09     : Uninstall09     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160090}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall10     : Uninstall10     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160060}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall11     : Uninstall11     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160110}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall12     : Uninstall12     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160120}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall13     : Uninstall13     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160130}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall14     : Uninstall14     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160140}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall15     : Uninstall15     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160150}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall16     : Uninstall16     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160160}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall17     : Uninstall17     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160170}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall18     : Uninstall18     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160180}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall19     : Uninstall19     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160190}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall20     : Uninstall20     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160200}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall21     : Uninstall21     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160210}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall22     : Uninstall22     = "msiexec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160220}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall23     : Uninstall23     = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216023FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall23x64  : Uninstall23x64  = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86416023FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall24     : Uninstall24     = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216024FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall24x64  : Uninstall24x64  = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86416024FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall25     : Uninstall25     = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216025FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall25x64  : Uninstall25x64  = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86416025FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall26     : Uninstall26     = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216026FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall26x64  : Uninstall26x64  = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86416026FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall27     : Uninstall27     = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216027FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall27x64  : Uninstall27x64  = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86416027FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall28     : Uninstall28     = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216028FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall28x64  : Uninstall28x64  = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86416028FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall29     : Uninstall29     = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216029FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall29x64  : Uninstall29x64  = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86416029FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall30     : Uninstall30     = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216030FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall30x64  : Uninstall30x64  = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86416030FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall31     : Uninstall31     = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216031FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall31x64  : Uninstall31x64  = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86416031FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall7_1    : Uninstall7_1    = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217001FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall7_1x64 : Uninstall7_1x64 = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86417001FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall7_2    : Uninstall7_2    = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217002FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall7_2x64 : Uninstall7_2x64 = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86417002FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall7_3    : Uninstall7_3    = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217003FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall7_3x64 : Uninstall7_3x64 = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86417003FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall7_4    : Uninstall7_4    = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217004FF}" & Parameters  
      DIM Uninstall7_4x64 : Uninstall7_4x64 = "msiexec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86417004FF}" & Parameters  

      oShell.Run Uninstall01,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall02,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall03,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall04,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall05,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall06,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall07,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall08,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall09,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall10,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall11,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall12,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall13,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall14,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall15,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall16,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall17,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall18,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall19,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall20,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall21,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall22,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall23,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall23x64,  7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall24,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall24x64,  7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall25,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall25x64,  7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall26,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall26x64,  7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall27,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall27x64,  7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall28,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall28x64,  7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall29,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall29x64,  7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall30,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall30x64,  7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall31,     7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall31x64,  7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall7_1,    7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall7_1x64, 7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall7_2,    7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall7_2x64, 7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall7_3,    7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall7_3x64, 7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall7_4,    7, True  
      oShell.Run Uninstall7_4x64, 7, True  

      REM Cleanup Local Variables  
      Set oShell          = Nothing  
      Set Parameters      = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall01     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall02     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall03     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall04     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall05     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall06     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall07     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall08     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall09     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall10     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall11     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall12     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall13     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall14     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall15     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall16     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall17     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall18     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall19     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall20     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall21     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall22     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall23     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall23x64  = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall24     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall24x64  = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall25     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall25x64  = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall26     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall26x64  = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall27     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall27x64  = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall28     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall28x64  = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall29     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall29x64  = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall30     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall30x64  = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall31     = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall31x64  = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall7_1    = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall7_1x64 = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall7_2    = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall7_2x64 = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall7_3    = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall7_3x64 = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall7_4    = Nothing  
      Set Uninstall7_4x64 = Nothing  

 End Sub  


 Sub Installx86()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM File       : File       = Chr(32) & RelativePath & "x86\jre1.7.0_04.msi"  
      DIM Parameters : Parameters = Chr(32) & "/qb- ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 SYSTRAY=1 JAVAUPDATE=1 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=1 /norestart"  
      DIM Install    : Install    = "msiexec.exe /i" & File & Parameters  

      oShell.Run Install, 1, True  

      REM Cleanup Local Variables  
      Set File       = Nothing  
      Set Install    = Nothing  
      Set oShell     = Nothing  
      Set Parameters = Nothing  

 End Sub  


 Sub Installx64()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM File       : File       = Chr(32) & RelativePath & "x64\jre1.7.0_04.msi"  
      DIM Parameters : Parameters = Chr(32) & "/qb- ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 SYSTRAY=1 JAVAUPDATE=1 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=1 /norestart"  
      DIM Install    : Install    = File & Parameters  

      oShell.Run Install, 1, True  

      REM Cleanup Local Variables  
      Set File       = Nothing  
      Set Install    = Nothing  
      Set oShell     = Nothing  
      Set Parameters = Nothing  

 End Sub  


 Sub GlobalVariableCleanup()  

      Set Architecture = Nothing  
      Set LogFolder    = Nothing  
      Set RelativePath = Nothing  

 End Sub  


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