01 July 2013

SCCM: How to export a list of machines from the Deployment Status Window

Sometimes when checking the status of a deployment, you will need to export a list of machines from one of the asset details list. In the SCCM deployment status  window, it is not possible. In order to export the list, you will need to go to the reports section, where exporting is available. Take this deployment I was doing for instance. There were 11 machines that failed the evaluation phase. I needed the list of machines from that report to run a powershell script to see if the hotfix was installed or not. I was going to run the script through psexec against a text file containing that list of machines.

In order to export the list of machines, you will need to go to Reporting. I use the web based reporting. Under Reporting, click on Software Distribution - Application Monitoring--->All application deployments. Populate the fields to match the collection you are wishing to export. This will match the Deployments Status in the console. Once you have pulled the report up, click on View Current Data. Under the next window, click on the Total Number of Errors, for instance. Next, click on the assets field to select the report to export. This is where you can now export the list of machines.


  1. Thanks, very helpful!

  2. Thank you Mick... Very Useful


  3. This will not work for configuration baseline deployments.
