01 December 2013

Get the Software GUID

This script will get the proper software name and associated GUID. I use this script when writing uninstaller powershell scripts. You can use the GUID in an msiexec so that you do not need the source files for the uninstall.

You can download the script from here.

 #   Author: Mick Pletcher  
 #   Date: 30 November 2013  
 #   Program: Get Software Names and GUID  


 Function RenameWindow ($Title) {  

      #Declare Local Memory  
      Set-Variable -Name a -Scope Local -Force  

      $a = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI  
      $a.WindowTitle = $Title  

      #Cleanup Local Memory  
      Remove-Variable -Name a -Scope Local -Force 

 Function GetProductName($Description) {
      #Declare Local Memory  
      Set-Variable -Name AppLocal -Scope Local -Force  
      Set-Variable -Name AppName -Scope Local -Force  
      Set-Variable -Name Desc -Scope Local -Force  
      Set-Variable -Name IDLocal -Scope Local -Force  
      Set-Variable -Name IDNumber -Scope Local -Force  
      Set-Variable -Name Uninstaller -Scope Local -Force
      #Change '%application%' to whatever app you are calling  
      $Description = [char]34+"description like"+[char]32+[char]39+[char]37+$Description+[char]37+[char]39+[char]34  
      $Desc = wmic product where $Description get Description  
      $Uninstaller = wmic product where $Description get IdentifyingNumber  
      $Desc | ForEach-Object {  
           $_ = $_.Trim()  
             if(($_ -ne "Description")-and($_ -ne "")){  
               $AppName += $_  
      $Uninstaller | ForEach-Object {  
           $_ = $_.Trim()  
             if(($_ -ne "IdentifyingNumber")-and($_ -ne "")){  
               $IDNumber += $_  
      $AppLocal = New-Object System.Object  
      $AppLocal | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Application -value $AppName  
      If ($AppName -ne $null) {  
           $AppLocal | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name GUID -value $IDNumber  
      } else {  
           $AppLocal | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Status -value "Not Installed"  

      #Cleanup Local Memory  
      Remove-Variable -Name AppLocal -Scope Local -Force  
      Remove-Variable -Name AppName -Scope Local -Force  
      Remove-Variable -Name Desc -Scope Local -Force  
      Remove-Variable -Name IDLocal -Scope Local -Force  
      Remove-Variable -Name IDNumber -Scope Local -Force  
      Remove-Variable -Name Uninstaller -Scope Local -Force 
 RenameWindow "Product Name and GUID"  
 GetProductName "Office Professional Plus"  
 GetProductName "Microsoft Lync 2013"  
 GetProductName "Adobe Reader"  
 GetProductName "Microsoft Visio Professional"  

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  1. This script will get the proper software name and associated GUID. I use this script when writing uninstaller powershell scripts. You can use the GUID in an msiexec so that you do not need the source files for the uninstall. http://commissionjailbreakfacts.com
