Keeping track of systems that have unlicensed software installed can be a daunting task, especially when true up comes. We all have encountered systems that have it installed because the user called in screaming and the help desk went ahead with the install to just shut the user up. I decided that using PowerShell, SCCM, and Orchestrator would make this a much easier process.
I wrote the PowerShell script that will do the following. First comes the query for all systems with the specified software installed. The easiest way is to create the query in SCCM first that returns computer names only. Copy the WQL code for the query and paste it as the data for the $WQL variable.
Next, if you don't already have a collection with all systems that are supposed to have the software installed, then create one. I would suggest allowing only a few admins privs to add to the collection. Get the collection ID and enter that for the Get-CollectionSystems -CollectionID parameter.
The script will delete the previous file created. There are two parameters that need to be populated. Those are -Path and $OutputFile. Path is the location where you want the report file saved and OutputFile is the name of the report file.
I setup Orchestrator to run the powershell script once a week on the SCCM server. It then sends the generated csv file in an email to all pertinent management for review. Systems popping up on the report can be dealt with immediately thereby keeping the licensing up to date on a weekly basis.
NOTE: The PowerShell script will need to be executed on the SCCM server.
You can download the script from here.
Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2015 v4.2.92
Created on: 8/21/2015 1:33 PM
Created by: Mick Pletcher
Filename: LicensedSoftwareVerification.ps1
This script will query SCCM for all systems with a specified
software installed. It will then grab all system within a specified
collection to compare the query with. The collection is the
definitive place where all necessary systems are placed that
require the licensed software. Any systems the query sees that are
not in the collection will be added to the excel report for further
investigation. If the system is valid, it should then be added to
the collection.
$OutputFile = 'AdobeAcrobatReport.csv',
function ProcessTextFile {
If ((Test-Path -Path $OutputFile) -eq $true) {
Remove-Item -Path $OutputFile -Force
function Get-CollectionSystems {
#Declare Local Variables
Set-Variable -Name System -Scope Local -Force
Set-Variable -Name SystemArray -Scope Local -Force
Set-Variable -Name Systems -Scope Local -Force
$SystemArray = @()
$Systems = get-cmdevice -collectionid $CollectionID | select name | Sort-Object Name
Foreach ($System in $Systems) {
$SystemArray = $SystemArray + $System.Name
Return $SystemArray
#Cleanup Local Variables
Remove-Variable -Name System -Scope Local -Force
Remove-Variable -Name SystemArray -Scope Local -Force
Remove-Variable -Name Systems -Scope Local -Force
Import-Module "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1" -Force -Scope Global
Set-Location SCCMSiteCode:
$CollectionSystems = @()
$QuerySystems = @()
$UnlicensedSystems = @()
#Input the SCCM query code for the $WQL variable
$WQL = 'select * from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId
where SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName = "Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional" or SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName = "Adobe Acrobat X Pro -
English, Français, Deutsch" or SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName = "Adobe Acrobat X Standard - English, Français, Deutsch" or
SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName = "Adobe Acrobat XI Pro" or SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName = "Adobe Acrobat XI Standard"'
$WMI = Get-WmiObject -Namespace Root\SMS\Site_BNA -Query $WQL
#Use the collectionID of the collection you use as the definitive licensing site
$CollectionSystems = Get-CollectionSystems -CollectionID "SCCM00024"
Set-Location c:
$OutputFile = $Path + "\" + $OutputFile
$Output = "Computer Name"
Out-File -FilePath $OutputFile -InputObject $Output -Force -Encoding UTF8
Foreach ($Item in $WMI) {
$QuerySystems = $QuerySystems + $Item.SMS_R_System.Name
Foreach ($QuerySystem in $QuerySystems) {
$SystemVerified = $false
Foreach ($CollectionSystem in $CollectionSystems) {
If ($QuerySystem -eq $CollectionSystem) {
$SystemVerified = $true
If ($SystemVerified -eq $false) {
Out-File -FilePath $OutputFile -InputObject $QuerySystem -Force -Encoding UTF8
You can use SSRS to do the same and the report is always live and up to date...