I have been writing a new script and was in need of getting the product name from the file details. Most everything I found when Googling came up finding the file version. I finally found this site that showed how to get a list of all 288 attributes. I decided to write a function that would get all of the attributes and the property fields that are populated. I found that still did not contain all of the data I needed, especially the product field. I compared what the script returned from the 288 attributes and what was available when right-clicking on a file and looking at the properties.
I have meshed the two together to give a pretty comprehensive dynamic list of available properties. For properties that have no associated value, they do not appear in the list. The available properties change by the file type and what the author inputs in them. The properties are returned from the function as an object. I know there are more available under the security and compatibility tabs, but I ran out of time while writing this function, as I need to finish up the other script first. I promise that I will be adding at least the compatibility tab to this function later on. I put the function into a PowerShell script so that you could see an examples of it executing. Sapien's PowerShell Studio made it possible to easily formulate and write this script.
Here is a picture of a typical output from the script:
Here is a picture of a typical output from the script:
Here is a video of the script in action:
1: <#
3: ===========================================================================
4: Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2016 v5.2.125
5: Created on: 7/26/2016 1:39 PM
6: Created by: Mick Pletcher
7: Organization:
8: Filename: GetFileProperties.ps1
9: ===========================================================================
10: #>
12: function Get-MetaData {
13: <#
15: Get File MetaData
18: A detailed description of the Get-MetaData function.
20: .PARAMETER FileName
21: Name of File
24: PS C:\> Get-MetaData -FileName 'Value1'
26: .NOTES
27: Additional information about the function.
28: #>
30: [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([object])]
31: param
32: (
33: [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$FileName
34: )
36: $MetaDataObject = New-Object System.Object
37: $shell = New-Object -COMObject Shell.Application
38: $folder = Split-Path $FileName
39: $file = Split-Path $FileName -Leaf
40: $shellfolder = $shell.Namespace($folder)
41: $shellfile = $shellfolder.ParseName($file)
42: $MetaDataProperties = 0..287 | Foreach-Object { '{0} = {1}' -f $_, $shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($null, $_) }
43: For ($i = 0; $i -le 287; $i++) {
44: $Property = ($MetaDataProperties[$i].split("="))[1].Trim()
45: $Property = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($Property).Replace(' ', '')
46: $Value = $shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($shellfile, $i)
47: If ($Property -eq 'Attributes') {
48: switch ($Value) {
49: 'A' {
50: $Value = 'Archive (A)'
51: }
52: 'D' {
53: $Value = 'Directory (D)'
54: }
55: 'H' {
56: $Value = 'Hidden (H)'
57: }
58: 'L' {
59: $Value = 'Symlink (L)'
60: }
61: 'R' {
62: $Value = 'Read-Only (R)'
63: }
64: 'S' {
65: $Value = 'System (S)'
66: }
67: }
68: }
69: #Do not add metadata fields which have no information
70: If (($Value -ne $null) -and ($Value -ne '')) {
71: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $Value
72: }
73: }
74: [string]$FileVersionInfo = (Get-ItemProperty $FileName).VersionInfo
75: $SplitInfo = $FileVersionInfo.Split([char]13)
76: foreach ($Item in $SplitInfo) {
77: $Property = $Item.Split(":").Trim()
78: switch ($Property[0]) {
79: "InternalName" {
80: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InternalName -Value $Property[1]
81: }
82: "OriginalFileName" {
83: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OriginalFileName -Value $Property[1]
84: }
85: "Product" {
86: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Product -Value $Property[1]
87: }
88: "Debug" {
89: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Debug -Value $Property[1]
90: }
91: "Patched" {
92: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Patched -Value $Property[1]
93: }
94: "PreRelease" {
95: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PreRelease -Value $Property[1]
96: }
97: "PrivateBuild" {
98: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PrivateBuild -Value $Property[1]
99: }
100: "SpecialBuild" {
101: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SpecialBuild -Value $Property[1]
102: }
103: }
104: }
106: #Check if file is read-only
107: $ReadOnly = (Get-ChildItem $FileName) | Select-Object IsReadOnly
108: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReadOnly -Value $ReadOnly.IsReadOnly
109: #Get digital file signature information
110: $DigitalSignature = get-authenticodesignature -filepath $FileName
111: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SignatureCertificateSubject -Value $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.Subject
112: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SignatureCertificateIssuer -Value $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.Issuer
113: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SignatureCertificateSerialNumber -Value $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.SerialNumber
114: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SignatureCertificateNotBefore -Value $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.NotBefore
115: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SignatureCertificateNotAfter -Value $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.NotAfter
116: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SignatureCertificateThumbprint -Value $DigitalSignature.SignerCertificate.Thumbprint
117: $MetaDataObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SignatureStatus -Value $DigitalSignature.Status
118: Return $MetaDataObject
119: }
121: function Get-RelativePath {
122: <#
124: Get the relative path
127: Returns the location of the currently running PowerShell script
129: .NOTES
130: Additional information about the function.
131: #>
133: [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([string])]
134: param ()
136: $Path = (split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent) + "\"
137: Return $Path
138: }
140: Clear-Host
141: $RelativePath = Get-RelativePath
142: $File = $RelativePath + "scepinstall.exe"
143: $FileMetaData = Get-MetaData -FileName $File
144: #Example of displaying all returned values
145: $FileMetaData
146: #Example of retrieving just the file name
147: $FileMetaData.Name
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