04 October 2016

PowerShell: Generate Cached and Online Mode Exchange Report

Recently, the firm started converting outlook over to cached mode. As we are converting machines, we needed a report for how many of them are done and how many are still in Online mode.

I found the some great info here on how to get the information from the exchange logs. The first thing that needs to be done is to retrieve the exchange logs from the directory where they reside on each exchange server. If the exchange servers have more than one drive, make sure you are looking on the right one. The logs are located here: %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Logging\RPC Client Access. You will want to copy them into the same directory as this script resides. I appended all of the logs into a single log file. The script will filter out duplicates.

I have included examples in the script documentation on command line executions of this script.

I must say that Sapien's PowerShell Studio made writing this script a breeze.

Here is the link to the file on my GitHub site.

           Exchange Cached Mode Reporting  
           This script will read the RPC client access logs from the exchange server and generate a report showing if a user is cached or classic mode. You will need to retrieve the RPC logs from each exchange server. To do so, go to the drive on the exchange server that has exchange installed. The following directory contains the log you will need. Delete the Log Text, #Software, #Version, #Log-type, #Date, and #Fields lines from the file. That leaves the raw data. You can merge all of the logs into one file. This script will filter out repetitive entries.   
      .PARAMETER LogFile  
           Name of the log file that contains the exchange RPC logs  
      .PARAMETER Cached  
           Generate report of systems in cached mode  
      .PARAMETER Online  
           Generate report of all systems in online mode  
      .PARAMETER Full  
           Generate report showing both cached and online users  
      .PARAMETER OutputFile  
           Name of the file to write the output to. If left blank, no file is written to.  
           Generate a list of all machines in cached mode  
                powershell.exe -file ExchangeModeReporting.ps1 -Cached -LogFile "Exchange.LOG"  
           Generate a list of all machines in cached mode and export list to a .CSV  
                powershell.exe -file ExchangeModeReporting.ps1 -Cached -LogFile "Exchange.LOG" -OutputFile "Report.csv"  
           Generate a list of all machines in Online mode  
                powershell.exe -file ExchangeModeReporting.ps1 -Online -LogFile "Exchange.LOG"  
           Generate a list of all machines in either cached or online mode  
                powershell.exe -file ExchangeModeReporting.ps1 -Full -LogFile "Exchange.LOG"  
           Created with:     SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2016 v5.2.128  
           Created on:       10/4/2016 10:13 AM  
           Created by:       Mick Pletcher  
           Filename:         ExchangeModeReporting.ps1  
 function Get-RelativePath {  
           Get the relative path  
           Returns the location of the currently running PowerShell script  
           Additional information about the function.  
      param ()  
      $Path = (split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent) + "\"  
      Return $Path  
 function Get-AccountInfo {  
           Retrieve and format account infomation  
           This function will read the exchange log and extract the username and mailbox status, while putting the data into an object.  
           PS C:\> Get-AccountInfo  
           Additional information about the function.  
      param ()  
      $RelativePath = Get-RelativePath  
      $Logs = Get-Content $RelativePath$LogFile  
      $Systems = @()  
      foreach ($Log in $Logs) {  
           $System = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject  
           $SplitLog = $Log.split(",")  
           $Username = ((($SplitLog | Where-Object { $_ -like "*cn=*" }).split("/") | Where-Object { ($_ -like "*cn=*") -and ($_ -notcontains "cn=Recipients") }).split("="))[1]  
           $Mode = $SplitLog | Where-Object { ($_ -contains "Classic") -or ($_ -contains "Cached") }  
           If ($Mode -eq "Classic") {  
                $Mode = "Online"  
           $System | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Username -Value $Username  
           $System | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Mode -Value $Mode  
           If ($Systems.Username -notcontains $Username) {  
                $Systems += $System  
      $Systems = $Systems | Sort-Object  
      Return $Systems  
 $Logs = Get-AccountInfo  
 if ($Cached.IsPresent) {  
      $Logs = $Logs | Where-Object { $_.Mode -eq "Cached" } | Sort-Object Username  
      $Logs | Format-Table  
 if ($Online.IsPresent) {  
      $Logs = $Logs | Where-Object { ($_.Mode -eq "Online") } | Sort-Object Username  
      $Logs | Format-Table  
 if ($Full.IsPresent) {  
      $Logs | Sort-Object Username  
 if (($OutputFile -ne $null) -and ($OutputFile -ne "")) {  
      $RelativePath = Get-RelativePath  
      $Logs | Sort-Object Username | Export-Csv $RelativePath$OutputFile -NoTypeInformation  


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