Here is a script that will gather a list of local administrators on a machine. The script can report the list to SCCM by writing the list to a WMI entry. It can also write the list to a text file at a specified location for admins that do not have SCCM. The text file is named <%COMPUTERNAME%>.txt. You can do both SCCM reporting and text file reporting if desired.
To implement this into SCCM, run the script once on a machine with the following command line:
powershell.exe -file LocalAdmins.ps1 -SCCMReporting
Once this has executed, do the following:
- Open the SCCM console
- Click on Administration
- Click Client Settings
- Right-click Default Client Settings
- Left-click Properties
- Click Hardware Inventory
- Click Set Classes
- Click Add
- Click Connect
- Enter the computer name of the system you ran the script on
- Check Recursive
- Check Credentials required
- Enter the domain\username for user name
- Enter the associated password
- Click Connect
- Once the list of classes appears, click on Class Name to sort the classes
- Scroll down to find Local_Administrators and check the box to the left
- Click OK
- Click OK
- Click OK
- Now go back to the machine you ran the script on and run a hardware inventory to send the data up to SCCM. It will take a few minutes until the data appears in SCCM
The next step is to setup the script to execute through SCCM as a package. The script will need to be executed on a routine basis if you want it to be reported regularly to SCCM. As a package, the following pictures show how I have it configured in SCCM.
Finally, you will want to be able to look at the results. You can create a query to show the systems that have reported users in the local administrators group. Here is the WQL I use:
You can download the SCCM WQL Query from here.
You can download the script from my GitHub repository located here.
select distinct SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_G_System_LOCAL_ADMINISTRATORS.Domain, SMS_G_System_LOCAL_ADMINISTRATORS.User from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_LOCAL_ADMINISTRATORS on SMS_G_System_LOCAL_ADMINISTRATORS.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId order by SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_G_System_LOCAL_ADMINISTRATORS.Domain, SMS_G_System_LOCAL_ADMINISTRATORS.User
You can download the SCCM WQL Query from here.
You can download the script from my GitHub repository located here.
Report Local administrators
Report a list of local administrators on machines to a designated text file, screen, and/or to SCCM via a WMI entry.
.PARAMETER MemberExclusionsFile
Text file containing a list of users to exclude
Specifies if the output is to be written to a text file. The OutputFileLocation parameter also needs to be populated with the location to write the text file to.
.PARAMETER OutputFileLocation
Location where to write the output text files
Report results to SCCM
.PARAMETER SystemExclusionsFile
Text file containing a list of systems to not generate a report on
Get a list of local admins without reporting to SCCM or writing output to text file
powershell.exe -file LocalAdmins.ps1
Get a list of local admins and report to SCCM
powershell.exe -file LocalAdmins.ps1 -SCCMReporting
Get a list of local admins and write report to a text file at a specified location
powershell.exe -file LocalAdmins.ps1 -OutputFile
Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2016 v5.2.129
Created on: 11/9/2016 12:47 PM
Created by: Mick Pletcher
Filename: LocalAdministrators.ps1
$MemberExclusionsFile = 'MemberExclusions.txt',
$OutputFileLocation = '',
$SystemExclusionsFile = 'SystemExclusions.txt'
function Get-RelativePath {
Get the relative path
Returns the location of the currently running PowerShell script
Additional information about the function.
param ()
$Path = (split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent) + "\"
Return $Path
function Invoke-SCCMHardwareInventory {
Initiate a Hardware Inventory
This will initiate a hardware inventory that does not include a full hardware inventory. This is enought to collect the WMI data.
PS C:\> Invoke-SCCMHardwareInventory
Additional information about the function.
param ()
$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$SMSCli = [wmiclass] "\\$ComputerName\root\ccm:SMS_Client"
$SMSCli.TriggerSchedule("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}") | Out-Null
function New-WMIClass {
$WMITest = Get-WmiObject $Class -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($WMITest -ne $null) {
$Output = "Deleting " + $Class + " WMI class....."
Remove-WmiObject $Class
$WMITest = Get-WmiObject $Class -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($WMITest -eq $null) {
$Output += "success"
} else {
$Output += "Failed"
Exit 1
Write-Output $Output
$Output = "Creating " + $Class + " WMI class....."
$newClass = New-Object System.Management.ManagementClass("root\cimv2", [String]::Empty, $null);
$newClass["__CLASS"] = $Class;
$newClass.Qualifiers.Add("Static", $true)
$newClass.Properties.Add("Domain", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
$newClass.Properties["Domain"].Qualifiers.Add("key", $true)
$newClass.Properties["Domain"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true)
$newClass.Properties.Add("User", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
$newClass.Properties["User"].Qualifiers.Add("key", $false)
$newClass.Properties["User"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true)
$newClass.Put() | Out-Null
$WMITest = Get-WmiObject $Class -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($WMITest -eq $null) {
$Output += "success"
} else {
$Output += "Failed"
Exit 1
Write-Output $Output
function New-WMIInstance {
Write new instance
A detailed description of the New-WMIInstance function.
.PARAMETER MappedDrives
List of mapped drives
A description of the Class parameter.
PS C:\> New-WMIInstance
Additional information about the function.
foreach ($LocalAdministrator in $LocalAdministrators) {
$Output = "Writing" + [char]32 +$LocalAdministrator.User + [char]32 + "instance to" + [char]32 + $Class + [char]32 + "class....."
$Return = Set-WmiInstance -Class $Class -Arguments @{ Domain = $LocalAdministrator.Domain; User = $LocalAdministrator.User }
If ($Return -like "*" + $LocalAdministrator.User + "*") {
$Output += "Success"
} else {
$Output += "Failed"
Write-Output $Output
#Get the path this script is being executed from
$RelativePath = Get-RelativePath
#Name of the computer this script is being executed on
$ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME
#Read the list of systems to exclude from reporting
$File = $RelativePath + $SystemExclusionsFile
$SystemExclusions = Get-Content $File
If ($SystemExclusions -notcontains $Env:COMPUTERNAME) {
#Get list of users to exclude from reporting
$File = $RelativePath + $MemberExclusionsFile
$MemberExclusions = Get-Content $File
#Get list of local administrators while excluding specified members
$Members = net localgroup administrators | Where-Object { $_ -AND $_ -notmatch "command completed successfully" } | select -skip 4 | Where-Object { $MemberExclusions -notcontains $_ }
$LocalAdmins = @()
foreach ($Member in $Members) {
#Create new object
$Admin = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSObject
$Member = $Member.Split("\")
If ($Member.length -gt 1) {
Add-Member -InputObject $Admin -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Domain -Value $Member[0].Trim()
Add-Member -InputObject $Admin -MemberType NoteProperty -Name User -Value $Member[1].Trim()
} else {
Add-Member -InputObject $Admin -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Domain -Value ""
Add-Member -InputObject $Admin -MemberType NoteProperty -Name User -Value $Member.Trim()
$LocalAdmins += $Admin
#Report output to WMI which will report up to SCCM
If ($SCCMReporting.IsPresent) {
New-WMIClass -Class "Local_Administrators"
New-WMIInstance -Class "Local_Administrators" -LocalAdministrators $LocalAdmins
#Report WMI entry to SCCM
If ($OutputFile.IsPresent) {
If ($OutputFileLocation[$OutputFileLocation.Length - 1] -ne "\") {
$File = $OutputFileLocation + "\" + $ComputerName + ".log"
} else {
$File = $OutputFileLocation + $ComputerName + ".log"
#Delete old log file if it exists
$Output = "Deleting $ComputerName.log....."
If ((Test-Path $File) -eq $true) {
Remove-Item -Path $File -Force
If ((Test-Path $File) -eq $false) {
$Output += "Success"
} else {
$Output += "Failed"
Write-Output $Output
$Output = "Writing local admins to $ComputerName.log....."
$LocalAdmins | Out-File $File
If ((Test-Path $File) -eq $true) {
$Output += "Success"
} else {
$Output += "Failed"
Write-Output $Output
#Display list of local administrators to screen
Great post and solution, I'm finding that only two entries per machines are making their way into the LOCAL_ADMINISTRATORS_DATA table?
ReplyDeleteHi, really great solution, but i have the same problem as "Unknown" above ;)
ReplyDeleteThere are only two entries :(
Me too! The script show the right list but the query sccm list only two entries: Administrators and Domain Admins