15 January 2018

Installing the .Net Framework 4.7 MSU file

I needed to install .Net Framework 4.7 on all systems. We no longer manage windows updates via SCCM, so we needed to deploy it as an application. I downloaded the two MSU files, 32-bit and 64-bit, from the Microsoft Update Catalog.

This script checks the system architecture and then knows which installer to execute. I have included the return codes for reboot required and already installed. The script converts those to normal SCCM return codes, 0 and 3010. 

You can download the script from here

           Install .Net Framework 4.7  
           This script will install .Net Framework 4.7 using the MSU file. It is written to accommodate both x86 and x64 versions. The script will also convert the WUSA.EXE return codes to standard SCCM return codes.   
           Created with:    SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2017 v5.4.143  
           Created on:      9/15/2017 10:45 AM  
           Created by:      Mick Pletcher  
           Filename:        installDotNet47.ps1  
 param ()  
 function Get-Architecture {  
           Returns whether the system architecture is 32-bit or 64-bit  
           Additional information about the function.  
      param ()  
      $OSArchitecture = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object OSArchitecture  
      $OSArchitecture = $OSArchitecture.OSArchitecture  
      Return $OSArchitecture  
      #Returns 32-bit or 64-bit  
 function Get-RelativePath {  
           Get the relative path  
           Returns the location of the currently running PowerShell script  
           Additional information about the function.  
      param ()  
      $Path = (split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent) + "\"  
      Return $Path  
 function Install-MSUFile {  
           Install Windows Update  
           This function installs windows update MSU files.  
      .PARAMETER FileName  
           Name of MSU file  
           Additional information about the function.  
      $RelativePath = Get-RelativePath  
      $Executable = $env:windir + "\System32\wusa.exe"  
      $Parameters = $RelativePath + $FileName + [char]32 + "/quiet /norestart"  
      $ErrCode = (Start-Process -FilePath $Executable -ArgumentList $Parameters -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode  
      Return $ErrCode  
 $Architecture = Get-Architecture  
 If ($Architecture -eq "32-Bit") {  
      $ReturnCode = Install-MSUFile -FileName Windows6.1-KB4019990-x86.msu  
 } else {  
      $ReturnCode = Install-MSUFile -FileName Windows6.1-KB4019990-x64.msu  
 #Exit Return Codes  
 #2359301 -- Reboot Required  
 #2359302 -- Already Installed  
 If ($ReturnCode -eq 2359301) {  
      $ReturnCode = 3010  
 If ($ReturnCode -eq 2359302) {  
      $ReturnCode = 0  
 Exit $ReturnCode  


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