14 August 2018

Profile Size Reporting

While in the middle of the planning phase for the Windows 10 rollout, we wanted a report on the size of the My Documents and Desktops of all users. These will be the folders we have decided to back up. USMT is not possible in our environment due to the cross-architectures. Plus, we want users to have new profiles for the new OS.

The first thing I thought about was writing a script that would custom report this data back to SCCM, but then I thought this is a one-time task and we will probably never look at it again. I decided to write a script that would gather the sizes of the two folders for each profile on a system and then report that to a single excel spreadsheet.

I wrote the script so that it can be used in the new SCCM scripts section, or it can be deployed as a package. You can even manually execute it. There are two lines you will need to modify. Those are lines 2 and 4. Line 2 will need the full path to the CSV file. Line 4 is the list of profiles to exclude. I have included the three that are included in all systems. There are two additional ones I added for the environment I work in.

You are probably wondering why I put in lines 19 through 23, as that would seem somewhat odd. Because a lot of systems are simultaneously competing for the same CSV file, there can be only one write to the file. To do this, I put all content to be written inside a single variable and use the [char]13 (CR) for line breaks. The next part is where the script enters a loop until $success equals $true. Each time the script tries to write to the CSV file and fails due to it being locked, $Success is set to $false.

To use this with the newer SCCM, you can enter it into the scripts section as shown below.

You can download the script from my GitHub Site

I would like to thank Mike Roberts from The Ginger Ninja for the resource on how to calculate folder sizes. That helped a lot in writing this script.

 #Full path and filename of the file to write the output to  
 $File = "<Path to CSV file>\ProfileSizeReport.csv"  
 #Exclude these accounts from reporting  
 $Exclusions = ("Administrator", "Default", "Public")  
 #Get the list of profiles  
 $Profiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $env:SystemDrive"\Users" | Where-Object { $_ -notin $Exclusions }  
 #Create the object array  
 $AllProfiles = @()  
 #Create the custom object  
 foreach ($Profile in $Profiles) {  
      $object = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSObject  
      #Get the size of the Documents and Desktop combined and round with no decimal places  
      $FolderSizes = [System.Math]::Round("{0:N2}" -f ((Get-ChildItem ($Profile.FullName + '\Documents'), ($Profile.FullName + '\Desktop') -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction Stop).Sum))  
      $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $env:COMPUTERNAME.ToUpper()  
      $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Profile -Value $Profile  
      $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Size -Value $FolderSizes  
      $AllProfiles += $object  
 #Create the formatted entry to write to the file  
 [string]$Output = $null  
 foreach ($Entry in $AllProfiles) {  
      [string]$Output += $Entry.ComputerName + ',' + $Entry.Profile + ',' + $Entry.Size + [char]13  
 #Remove the last line break  
 $Output = $Output.Substring(0,$Output.Length-1)  
 #Write the output to the specified CSV file. If the file is opened by another machine, continue trying to open until successful  
 Do {  
      Try {  
           $Output | Out-File -FilePath $File -Encoding UTF8 -Append -Force  
           $Success = $true  
      } Catch {  
           $Success = $false  
 } while ($Success = $false)  


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