05 October 2018

Application List Report

We have started the Windows 10 upgrades and part of this process is installing applications for users that are not included in the standard build. One option is to use the SCCM Resource Explorer for a list of apps installed. The problem with that is it is a blanket report. It shows everything and all we were wanting is a report of the additional apps installed after a build.

I wrote this PowerShell script that can be executed as a package in SCCM against machines to generate an application report. The tool is specifically designed to work with MDT. You will define both the reference and production task sequences. The script will read the XML files and know to exclude those applications from the listing. Specifically, the script reads tasks that are Install Application types. There are going to be applications installed that you do not care about such as video driver packages that got installed automatically. They can be filtered out by populating the add/remove programs exclusions file ($ARPExclusionsFile). There is also the task sequence exclusions file which you can specify items that will get excluded from the task sequence. The final parameter to define is the $OutputDIR, which is the UNC path to the location where you want the text file written to containing a list of additional apps needing to be installed.

You can download the script from my GitHub site located here.

Here is an example of my ARPExclusions.txt file:

64 Bit HP CIO Components Installer
Active Directory Authentication Library for SQL Server
Active Directory Authentication Library for SQL Server (x86)
Administrative Templates (.admx) for Windows 10 April 2018 Update
Adobe Refresh Manager
AMD Catalyst Control Center
AMD Fuel
Apple Application Support (32-bit)
Apple Application Support (64-bit)
Apple Mobile Device Support
Apple Software Update
Catalyst Control Center - Branding
Catalyst Control Center InstallProxy
Catalyst Control Center Localization All

Here is an example of my TSExclusions.txt file:

.Net Framework 3.5
Activate Office and Windows
Avenir Fonts
Bitlocker System
Configure Dell Power Management Settings
Configure NIC Advanced Properties
Delete Dell Command Configure Shortcut

I have also updated this script if you want to use this as a one-liner. This removes the issue of storing the script at a UNC path. The one-liner can be placed with a command line task sequence.

 powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command "&{$Apps=@();$ZTIAppsLog=Get-Content -Path ($env:SystemDrive+'\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLOGS\ZTIApplications.log');$AppNames=($ZTIAppsLog|Where-Object {$_ -like '*Name:*'})|ForEach-Object {(($_.split('[')[2]).split(':')[1]).split(']')[0].Trim()};Foreach ($App in $AppNames) {$obj=New-Object -TypeName PSObject;If (($ZTIAppsLog|Where-Object {$_ -like ('*Application'+[char]32+$Application+'*')}|ForEach-Object {($_.split('[')[2]).split(']')[0]}|ForEach-Object {$_ -replace 'Application ',''}) -like '*installed successfully*') {$Status='Installed'} else {$Status='Failed'};$obj|Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Application -Value $App;$obj|Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Status -Value $Status;$Apps+=$obj};$Apps|Out-GridView -PassThru}"  


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