31 December 2019

Install Configuration Manager PowerShell Module

I wanted to install the Configuration Manager PowerShell module on my admin machine. After investigating a little, the module does not exist in the Microsoft PowerShell gallery.

The PowerShell script below will create the module directory under the WindowsPowerShell\module directory within %PROGRAMFILES%. It will then copy over all of the necessary files. After copying the files, it will import the module and then verify if the import was successful. Of course, when you want to actually use the module, you will need to connect to the ConfigMgr server using the following cmdlet and then change the site location to the $SiteCode drive:

  • New-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider 'AdminUI.PS.Provider\CMSite' -Root $CMServer -Description $CMSiteDescription | Out-Null
This video shows the script running through the installation and verifying the install:

You will need to locate where the module exists and populate the location in the $ModuleSource parameter. On my ConfigMgr server, it was located at %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin.

Here is the script below. You can download it from my GitHub site located here

           Configuration Manager PowerShell Module  
           This will copy the files needed to the computer this script is being executed on. It must be run using an AD account that has priviledges to both the directory on the ConfigMgr server and to the program files directory on the local computer.  
      .PARAMETER ModuleSource  
           UNC path containing the Configuration Manager PowerShell module  
      .PARAMETER ModuleDirectoryName  
           Name of the directory under the PowerShell Modules directory where the module is copied to  
           Created with:     SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2017 v5.4.142  
           Created on:       12/27/2019 12:37 PM  
           Created by:       Mick Pletcher  
           Filename:         InstallConfigMgrModule.ps1  
      [string]$ModuleDirectoryName = 'ConfigurationManager'  
 #Location where to copy the module to  
 $ModuleDestination = $env:ProgramFiles + '\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\' + $ModuleDirectoryName  
 #Remove the module from memory if it has already been imported  
 Remove-Module -Name ConfigurationManager -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue  
 #Remove ConfigurationManager directory if it already exists  
 Remove-item -Path $ModuleDestination -Recurse -Force  
 #Create the directories for the PowerShell module  
 New-Item -Path $ModuleDestination -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null  
 New-Item -Path ($ModuleDestination + '\en-US') -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null  
 #Copy all necessary files for the Configuration Manager PowerShell Module  
 Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleSource -Filter 'adminui.ps.*' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $ModuleDestination; If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleSource -Filter 'adminui.wqlqueryengine.dll' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $ModuleDestination; If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleSource -Filter 'Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.*' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $ModuleDestination; If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleSource -Filter '*.ps1xml' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $ModuleDestination; If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleSource -Filter 'AdminUI.*' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $ModuleDestination; If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleSource -Filter 'ConfigurationManager.psd1' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $ModuleDestination; If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleSource -Filter 'Dcm*' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $ModuleDestination; If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleSource -Filter 'Microsoft.Diagnostics.*' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $ModuleDestination; If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleSource -Filter 'Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.*' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $ModuleDestination; If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleSource -Filter 'Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.*' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $ModuleDestination; If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 #Copy all help files to the module folder  
 Get-ChildItem -Path ($ModuleSource + '\en-US') -Filter '*.xml' | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ('Copying ' + $_.Name + '.....') -NoNewline; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination ($ModuleDestination + '\en-US'); If ((Test-Path ($ModuleDestination + '\en-US\' + $_.Name)) -eq $true) {Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Yellow} else {Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red}}  
 Import-Module -Name $ModuleDirectoryName  
 If (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $ModuleDirectoryName) {  
      Remove-Module -Name $ModuleDirectoryName -Force  
      Write-Host ($ModuleDirectoryName + [char]32 + 'PowerShell module installed successfully') -ForegroundColor Yellow  
 } else {  
      Write-Host ($ModuleDirectoryName + [char]32 + 'PowerShell module installation failed') -ForegroundColor Red  


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