As part of the suite of security tools I am writing, this will query the configuration manager SQL database for a list of machines that are not Bitlocker encrypted. There are reports in the configuration manager for this, but not everyone in my organization has access to the configuration manager console, and we wanted a detailed report sent out on a regular basis so that it is in their mailbox with high importance, which is also not available through ConfigMgr.
This tool was written to include the computer name, model, chassis, drive letter, bitlocker status, last hardware inventory scan, and last logon time. The last hardware scan and last logon time give the admins an idea as to the accuracy of the system being reported. The tool was written so that it can be used with Azure Automation or Orchestrator, and even with a scheduled task if needed. The output is formatted for a clean appearance in an outlook email.
You can download the script from my GitHub site.
Bitlocker Encryption Reporting
This script queries the Configuration Manager SQL database for a list of machines that are not Bitlocker Encrypted. It is limited to non-desktop chassis, which can be changed by modifying the SQL query. The script is designed to output the data so that it can be used with Orchestrator, Azure Automation, or a scheduled task.
Name of the SQL server
Name of the SQL database
Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2017 v5.4.142
Created on: 9/21/2020 3:35 PM
Created by: Mick Pletcher
Filename: BitlockerEncryptionReporting.ps1
$Query = "SELECT ResultTableName FROM dbo.v_Collections"
$Collection = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SQLServer -Database $SQLDatabase -Query $Query
#SQL query to retrieve the list of machines
$Query = "SELECT DISTINCT Name as ComputerName, dbo.Computer_System_DATA.Model00 AS Model, dbo.System_Enclosure_DATA.ChassisTypes00 AS Chassis, dbo.ENCRYPTABLE_VOLUME_DATA.DriveLetter00 AS DriveLetter, ProtectionStatus00 AS BitlockerStatus, LastHardwareScan, ADLastLogonTime AS LastLogonTime FROM dbo.Computer_System_DATA INNER JOIN dbo.ENCRYPTABLE_VOLUME_DATA ON dbo.Computer_System_DATA.MachineID = dbo.ENCRYPTABLE_VOLUME_DATA.MachineID INNER JOIN dbo.v_GS_ENCRYPTABLE_VOLUME ON dbo.v_GS_ENCRYPTABLE_VOLUME.ResourceID = dbo.ENCRYPTABLE_VOLUME_DATA.MachineID INNER JOIN dbo._RES_COLL_SMS00001 ON dbo.ENCRYPTABLE_VOLUME_DATA.MachineID = dbo._RES_COLL_SMS00001.MachineID INNER JOIN dbo.System_Enclosure_DATA ON dbo._RES_COLL_SMS00001.MachineID = dbo.System_Enclosure_DATA.MachineID INNER JOIN dbo.v_GS_VOLUME ON dbo.System_Enclosure_DATA.MachineID = dbo.v_GS_VOLUME.ResourceID WHERE (((dbo.System_Enclosure_DATA.ChassisTypes00 = 8) OR (dbo.System_Enclosure_DATA.ChassisTypes00 = 9) OR (dbo.System_Enclosure_DATA.ChassisTypes00 = 10) OR (dbo.System_Enclosure_DATA.ChassisTypes00 = 12) OR (dbo.System_Enclosure_DATA.ChassisTypes00 = 14) OR (dbo.System_Enclosure_DATA.ChassisTypes00 = 31)) AND (dbo.ENCRYPTABLE_VOLUME_DATA.DriveLetter00 = 'C:') AND (dbo.ENCRYPTABLE_VOLUME_DATA.ProtectionStatus00 = 0)) ORDER BY Name"
$Report = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SQLServer -Database $SQLDatabase -Query $Query
#If the report has no machines, then exit this script with an error code 1 so that the automation tool the link will not continue to the email task
If ($Report -ne $null) {
$Array = @()
foreach ($Item in $Report) {
$SysObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSObject
$SysObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $Item.ComputerName
$SysObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Model -Value $Item.Model
$SysObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Chassis -Value $Item.Chassis
$SysObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DriveLetter -Value $Item.DriveLetter
$SysObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name BitlockerStatus -Value $Item.BitlockerStatus
$SysObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastHardwareScan -Value $Item.LastHardwareScan
$SysObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastLogonTime -Value $Item.LastLogonTime
$Array += $SysObj
#Bitlocker reporting fields from the query
$Fields = @("Computer Name", "Model", "Chassis", "Drive Letter", "Bitlocker Status", "Last Hardware Scan", "Last Logon Time")
#Title row
$Output = ($Fields[0] + [char]9 + [char]9 + $Fields[1] + [char]9 + [char]9 + [char]9 + [char]9 + $Fields[2] + [char]9 + [char]9 + $Fields[3] + [char]9 + $Fields[4] + [char]9 + [char]9 + $Fields[5] + [char]9 + $Fields[6] + [char]13)
#Add each entry while formatting the computername column as to the width of the computername
foreach ($Item in $Array) {
If ($Item.ComputerName.Length -le 3) {
$ComputerName = $Item.ComputerName + [char]9 + [char]9 + [char]9 + [char]9 + [char]9
} elseif ($Item.ComputerName.Length -le 7) {
$ComputerName = $Item.ComputerName + [char]9 + [char]9 + [char]9 + [char]9
} elseif ($Item.ComputerName.Length -le 11) {
$ComputerName = $Item.ComputerName + [char]9 + [char]9 + [char]9
} elseif ($Item.ComputerName.Length -le 15) {
$ComputerName = $Item.ComputerName + [char]9 + [char]9
} else {
$ComputerName = $Item.ComputerName + [char]9
$Output += $ComputerName + $Item.Model + [char]9 + [char]9 + [char]9 + $Item.Chassis + [char]9 + [char]9 + $Item.DriveLetter + [char]9 + [char]9 + $Item.BitlockerStatus + [char]9 + [char]9 + [char]9 + $Item.LastHardwareScan + [char]9 + $Item.LastLogonTime + [char]13
#Write the output so it can be collected from the automation tool
Write-Output -InputObject $Output
} else {
Exit 1
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