KB5005652 resolved the "PrintNightMare" vulnerability, but it also brought many companies to a halt when it came to end-users installing printers if they did not have administrator privileges. During the time since the update, we had our help desk install printers for users on an as-needed basis. There was a workaround by setting the RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators to 0 to override the fix, but this would have thwarted the security vulnerability.
I came up with the fix to install printers using configuration manager since it can install them with a privileged account. The solution in my environment was to use PowerShell to query the print servers for a list of offices and printers in our scenario. After the office is selected, it displays a list of printers in that office for the user to select from. Once that printer is selected, it will check if the printer is already installed. If so, it will delete it and reinstall. If not, it will install the new printer. Finally, it will verify that the printer was successfully installed. I currently have the script read from a text file the list of print servers with the associated city location in CSV format. I did make a last-minute change where I hardcoded the locations into the object creation instead of using it from the text file. I will probably find a better way in the near future and update this with something like using Get-ADObject to get a list of the print servers, but will still need to find where the link to the associated city name is to use that method. For now, this is working great in our environment.
This has to be set up in configuration manager as a package advertisement with Allow users to interact with this program checked. This allows users to install a printer on-demand through Software Center and rerun the package as many times as needed.
NOTE: One last important thing. This script was written for our environment. You will need PowerShell knowledge to modify this script to work in your environment. This is more of a primer to show you how I overcame the limitation in this corporate environment. The script will likely need to be greatly modified for some environments. The size of the company will also make a lot of difference in how this script needs to be modified. The firm I am at is roughly 500 people. A GUI interface may be preferential to some, which I may come back later and implement with PowerShell Studio.
You can download the PowerShell script from my Github repository.
This script is intended to be used in ConfigMgr as an applicatio advertisement in Software Center. This allows non-admin users to install printers allowing companies to keep the Microsoft print server patch in place. It nwill retrieve all printers from all print servers. It then prompts the user for the office. At that point, it will display a list of printers in that office for the user to select from. Finally, it will check if the printer is already installed. If it is, it will uninstall the printer and proceed to install it, otherwise it will install the printer.
.PARAMETER PrintServersFile
Name of the file which contains a list of print servers
Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2021 v5.8.194
Created on: 10/12/2021 7:40 PM
Created by: Mick Pletcher
Filename: PrinterInstaller.ps1
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$PrintServersFile = 'PrintServers.txt'
Write-Host "Retrieving List of Offices..."
#Create Printers array
$Printers = @()
#Get list of print servers that includes the print server and printer location
$PrintServers = Get-Content -Path ($PSScriptRoot + '\' + $PrintServersFile)
#Get list of all printers from within each print server
$PrintServers | ForEach-Object {
#Test if the print server is online before querying it
If ((Test-Connection -ComputerName $_.Split(",")[0] -Count 1 -Quiet) -eq $true) {
#Add all printer from the specified print server
$Query += Get-Printer -ComputerName $_.Split(",")[0]
#Create the object for each printer and add it to the $Printers array
$Query | ForEach-Object {
$object = New-Object PSObject
$object | Add-Member Noteproperty -Name PrinterName -Value $_.Name
$object | Add-Member Noteproperty -Name PrinterPort -Value $_.PortName
$object | Add-Member Noteproperty -Name PrintServer -Value $_.ComputerName
$object | Add-Member Noteproperty -Name DriverName -Value $_.DriverName
Switch ($_.ComputerName) {
"Printer1" { $object | Add-Member Noteproperty -Name Office -Value "Austin" }
"Printer2" { $object | Add-Member Noteproperty -Name Office -Value "Birmingham" }
"Printer3" { $object | Add-Member Noteproperty -Name Office -Value "Chattanooga" }
"Printer4" { $object | Add-Member Noteproperty -Name Office -Value "Nashville" }
#Add a floor value to the Floor object if the print server is in Nashville
If ($_.ComputerName -eq 'Printer4') {
$object | Add-Member Noteproperty -Name Floor -Value ($_.Name.Split("-")[1])
} else {
#Leave the floor object blank if it is any office other than Nashville
$object | Add-Member Noteproperty -Name Floor -Value ""
#Add the object to the $Printers array
$Printers += $object
#Sort the array by Office and then Floor
$Printers = $Printers | Sort-Object -Property Office, Floor
#Counter for selecting the office
$Count = 1
#Display each office with a number selection
$PrintServers | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ([string]$Count + ' - ' + $_.Split(",")[1]);$Count++}
#Prompt for a user selection of the office
$Selection = Read-Host -Prompt "Select the office"
#Get list of printers for selected office
$PrintersSelection = $Printers | Where-Object {$_.PrintServer -eq ($PrintServers[$Selection - 1].Split(",")[0])}
#printer counter
$Count = 1
Write-Host "Retrieving list of Printers..."
#Display list of printers in the selected office
$PrintersSelection | ForEach-Object {Write-Host ([string]$Count + ' - ' + $_.PrinterName);$Count++}
#Prompt the user to select the printer
$Selection = Read-Host -Prompt "Select the Printer"
#Display the selected printer
$PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1]
#Check if the printer is installed and uninstall it if true
If ((Get-Printer -Name $PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1].PrinterName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null) {
Remove-Printer -Name $PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1].PrinterName
Remove-PrinterPort -Name $PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1].PrinterPort
Write-Host ('Installing Printer' + [char]32 + $PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1].PrinterName + '.....') -NoNewline
#Install the selected printer
Add-PrinterPort -Name $PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1].PrinterPort -PrinterHostAddress $PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1].PrinterPort
Add-Printer -Name $PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1].PrinterName -DriverName $PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1].DriverName -PortName $PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1].PrinterPort
#Verify the printer was installed
If ((Get-Printer -Name $PrintersSelection[$Selection - 1].PrinterName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null) {
Write-Host 'success' -ForegroundColor Yellow
} Else {
Write-Host 'failed' -ForegroundColor Red
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