This script allows for the USMT process to be executed locally on a machine from a remote location with the output to either the local machine or a network location. In order for the script to run correctly, you will need to define the network location where USMT is installed. I also installed PSTools under the USMT location. The USMT location has two additional subdirectories. So in the USMT directory is this script and the x86 and x64 subdirectories contain the actual USMT files, along with the customized XML files for defining the USMT process. One for USMT x86 and the other for USMT x64. The PSTools is used to allow for the scanstate.exe to be run locally on the target machine so that network traffic is not bogged down.
I highly suggest that before running the USMT on the target machine to clean out unnecessary profiles. You can either delete them under System Properties-->User Profiles or through deleting the associated registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList. If you decide to delete the registry keys SystemProfile, LocalService, NetworkService, Administrator, and the user profile being migrated. You can find the key name under ProfileImagePath. Personally, I prefer deleting the registry keys for the fact that there are often profiles in the User Profile list that list as Unknown and cannot be deleted. The registry keys are what USMT references, not the actual folders. The reason for cleaning up these profiles before running the USMT process is the fact that it will scan every profile listed in the registry 20 times with a 30 second delay between each retry. That can add up to a significant amount of time if a lot of users have logged onto the machine.
NOTE: This script will not run "out-of-the-box." You will need to know a substantial amount about USMT and VBScripting in order to configure the script to match your environment. This script has been thoroughly tested and is consistently used in my current company's environment.
You can download the script from here.
REM ***************************************************************************
REM *** Program: USMT_Capture.vbs
REM *** Author: Mick Pletcher
REM *** Created: 23 July 2010
REM *** Edited: 21 March 2011
REM ***
REM *** Description: This script will execute the USMT, creating a MIG file
REM *** located on the selected location, either on the local
REM *** machine, or on the network location. This is intended to
REM *** be used for generating the MIG file for the MDT/SCCM
REM *** imaging process to be included in the build. This was written
REM *** so that this script can be executed from any machine
REM *** which then executes the USMT process locally on the
REM *** target machine. PSTools will need to be downloaded and
REM *** extracted to the USMTLocation, specified below in the
REM *** Global constants. The global constants should be the
REM *** primary changes needed to be made to run this script
REM *** on any machine. The other change that will be needed
REM *** is in the USMTMigrate Subroutine. There are
REM *** additional XML files I have written for the USMT
REM *** process that would need to be removed.
REM ***
REM *** NOTE: To expedite the USMT process, I would suggest
REM *** going to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\
REM *** CurrentVersion\ProfileList and deleting all keys except for
REM *** the following (You can find the key name under
REM *** ProfileImagePath): SystemProfile, LocalService,
REM *** NetworkService, Administrator, and the user profile
REM *** being migrated. This will dramatically speed up the process
REM *** otherwise it will scan each profile 20 times, with a 5
REM *** second delay upon each failure. You need not delete
REM *** the profile directory, as the USMT only scans the
REM *** profiles listed under that registry key.
REM ***
REM *** Script Process:
REM *** 1) Create HTML Display Status Window
REM *** 2) Enter Source, Destination, and Username
REM *** 3) Delete Old USMT folders and Create New USMT Folders
REM *** 4) Determine if the system is x86 or x64
REM *** 5) Perform USMT Migration on Old Machine
REM *** 6) Exit Script if USMT Migration Failed
REM *** 7) Verify USMT
REM *** 8) Cleanup Global Variables
REM ***
REM ***************************************************************************
Option Explicit
REM Define Global Constants
'Used in the query for retrieving the SID
CONST NetDomain = "nash"
' Specifies where to find the USMT executables
CONST USMTLocation = "\\global.gsp\data\special\Deploy\USMT40\"
' Specifies where to write the MIG file locally
CONST USMTLocalStore = "c:\temp\MigData\"
' Specifies where to write the MIG file on the network share
CONST USMTNetworkStore = "\\MDT02\USMT\"
REM Define Global Objects
DIM objIE : Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
REM Define Global Variables
DIM OldComputer : Set OldComputer = Nothing
DIM ReturnCode : ReturnCode = "0"
DIM SID : Set SID = Nothing
DIM UserName : Set UserName = Nothing
DIM USMTOutput : Set USMTOutput = Nothing
DIM USMTSourceCMD : USMTSourceCMD = "0"
REM Create HTML Display Status Window
REM Enter Source, Destination, and Username
REM Delete Old USMT folders, if exists, and Create New USMT Folders
REM Determine if the system is x86 or x64
REM Retrieve SID from Old Computer
REM Perform USMT Migration on Old Machine
REM Verify the ScanState ran with no errors
REM Cleanup Global Variables
Sub CreateDisplayWindow()
REM Define Local Constants
CONST strComputer = "."
REM Define Local Objects
DIM objWMIService : Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
DIM colItems : Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select PelsWidth,PelsHeight From Win32_DisplayConfiguration")
DIM objItem : Set objItem = Nothing
REM Define Local Variables
DIM intWidth : intWidth = 320
DIM intHeight : intHeight = 240
DIM intScreenWidth : Set intScreenWidth = Nothing
DIM intScreenHeight : Set intScreenHeight = Nothing
For Each objItem in colItems
intScreenWidth = objItem.PelsWidth
intScreenHeight = objItem.PelsHeight
objIE.Navigate "about:blank"
objIE.Toolbar = 0
objIE.StatusBar = 0
objIE.AddressBar = 0
objIE.MenuBar = 0
objIE.Resizable = 0
While objIE.ReadyState <> 4
WScript.Sleep 100
objIE.Left = (intScreenWidth / 2) - (intWidth / 2)
objIE.Top = (intScreenHeight / 2) - (intHeight / 2)
objIE.Visible = True
REM Cleanup Local Variables
Set colItems = Nothing
Set intScreenWidth = Nothing
Set intScreenHeight = Nothing
Set intWidth = Nothing
Set intHeight = Nothing
Set objItem = Nothing
Set objWMIService = Nothing
End Sub
Sub GetComputerInfo()
OldComputer = InputBox( "Enter the old computer name:" )
UserName = InputBox( "Enter the username:" )
USMTOutput = MsgBox("Output USMT to Network Location?", 4)
If USMTOutput = 6 then
USMTOutput = USMTNetworkStore & UserName & "\" & OldComputer
USMTOutput = USMTLocalStore & UserName & "\" & OldComputer
End If
objIE.Document.WriteLn "<FONT SIZE=8>USMT migration of " & UserName & " from " & OldComputer & " to " & USMTOutput &_
Chr(32) & "</FONT><BR><BR><BR>"
End Sub
Sub CreateUSMTFolders()
On Error Resume Next
REM Define Local Objects
DIM FSO : SET FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
DIM oShell : Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
REM Define Local Variables
DIM CreateFolder : CreateFolder = "cmd.exe /c md" & Chr(32) & USMTOutput
objIE.Document.WriteLn "Creating USMT Folders....."
REM Create the USMT folders if they do not exist
If NOT FSO.FolderExists(USMTOutput) then
oShell.Run CreateFolder, 7, True
End If
REM Cleanup Local Variables
Set FSO = Nothing
Set CreateFolder = Nothing
Set oShell = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DetermineArchitecture()
REM Define Local Objects
DIM FSO : SET FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
DIM objWMIService : Set objWMIService = Nothing
DIM objWMIServiceSet : Set objWMIServiceSet = Nothing
DIM colOperatingSystems : Set colOperatingSystems = Nothing
DIM objOperatingSystem : Set objOperatingSystem = Nothing
REM Define Local Variables
DIM x86RUNPATH : x86RUNPATH = USMTLocation & "x86"
DIM x64RUNPATH : x64RUNPATH = USMTLocation & "x64"
DIM OSSourceType : OSSourceType = "\\" & OldComputer & "\c$\Program Files (x86)"
DIM msgSource : Set msgSource = Nothing
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & OldComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each objOperatingSystem in colOperatingSystems
msgSource = objOperatingSystem.Caption
objIE.Document.WriteLn "Determining Source Architecture....."
If FSO.FolderExists(OSSourceType) Then
End IF
If NOT USMTSourceCMD = "0" then
objIE.Document.WriteLn "Success" & "<BR>"
objIE.Document.WriteLn "Failure(" & ReturnCode & ")" & "<BR>"
End If
objIE.Document.WriteLn " Source: " & msgSource &_
Chr(32) & Right(USMTSourceCMD,3) & "<BR><BR>"
REM Cleanup Variables
Set colOperatingSystems = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
Set msgSource = Nothing
Set x86RUNPATH = Nothing
Set x64RUNPATH = Nothing
Set objWMIService = Nothing
Set objWMIServiceSet = Nothing
Set OSSourceType = Nothing
Set objOperatingSystem = Nothing
End Sub
Sub GetSID()
REM Define Local Objects
DIM objWMIService : Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & OldComputer & "\root\cimv2")
DIM objAccount : Set objAccount = Nothing
' Set objAccount = objWMIService.Get _
' ("Win32_UserAccount.Name=" & Chr(39) & UserName & Chr(39) & ",Domain='nash'")
Set objAccount = objWMIService.Get _
("Win32_UserAccount.Name=" & Chr(39) & UserName & Chr(39) & ",Domain=" & Chr(39) & NetDomain & Chr(39))
SID = objAccount.SID
REM Local Variable Cleanup
Set objAccount = Nothing
Set objWMIService = Nothing
End Sub
Sub USMTMigrate()
REM Define Local Objects
DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
REM Define Local Variables
DIM Debug : Debug = "13"
DIM IgnoreProfs : IgnoreProfs = "cmd.exe /c Set MIG_IGNORE_PROFILE_MISSING=1"
DIM TMP : TMP = "c:\Temp"
DIM MigData : MigData = TMP & "\MigData"
DIM LOGPATH : LOGPATH = MigData & "\" & UserName
DIM RemoteExec : RemoteExec = USMTLocation & "PSTools\PsExec.exe \\" & OldComputer &_
Chr(32) & "-s" & Chr(32)
DIM USMT : USMT = RemoteExec & USMTSourceCMD & "\scanstate.exe " & USMTOutput & Chr(32) & "/v:" & Debug & Chr(32) & "/i:" &_
USMTSourceCMD & "\Migapp.xml" & Chr(32) & "/i:" & USMTSourceCMD & "\MigDocs.xml" & Chr(32) & "/i:" &_
USMTSourceCMD & "\miguser.xml" & Chr(32) & "/i:" & USMTSourceCMD & "\MigExclude.xml" & Chr(32) &_
"/progress:" & LOGPATH & "\ScanStateProg.log" & Chr(32) & "/l:" & LOGPATH & "\ScanState.log" &_
Chr(32) & "/ui:" & SID & Chr(32) & "/ue:*\* /c /vsc"
objIE.Document.WriteLn "Executing Scanstate on " & OldComputer & "....."
ReturnCode = oShell.Run(IgnoreProfs, 7, True)
ReturnCode = oShell.Run(USMT, 7, True)
If ReturnCode = "0" Then
objIE.Document.WriteLn "Success" & "<BR><BR>"
objIE.Document.WriteLn "Failure(" & ReturnCode & ")" & "<BR><BR>"
End If
REM Cleanup Variables
Set Debug = Nothing
SET IgnoreProfs = Nothing
SET oShell = Nothing
SET TMP = Nothing
SET MigData = Nothing
Set RemoteExec = Nothing
Set USMT = Nothing
End Sub
Sub VerifyScanState()
If NOT ReturnCode = "0" then
MsgBox("The data migration on " & OldComputer & " failed due to error" & ReturnCode &_
". Please check the log file located at & \\" & OldComputer & "\c$\Temp\MigData\ScanLog.log.")
Set ReturnCode = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Sub GlobalVariableCleanUp()
Set OldComputer = Nothing
Set objIE = Nothing
Set ReturnCode = Nothing
Set UserName = Nothing
Set USMTOutput = Nothing
Set USMTSourceCMD = Nothing
Set USMTDestCMD = Nothing
End Sub
Having some problems with this script. I have went through and changed everything that needed to be changed for my environment. It keeps dying on line 236
ReplyDeleteSet objAccount = objWMIService.Get _
("Win32_UserAccount.Name=" & Chr(39) & UserName & Chr(39) & ",Domain=" & Chr(39) & NetDomain & Chr(39))
What error is it displaying?
ReplyDeleteI am getting this error as well, what is the fix?
ReplyDeleteHave you tried running the script as administrator?