28 December 2015

Automating the Creation of Software Update Groups in SCCM

I have been working on automating the tasks of deploying Windows updates each month. You may think why is there a need for this when SCCM has the Automatic Deployment Rules. Some companies have to review the updates before hand if they have applications that are vulnerable to breaking from windows updates.

This script is the first of a series of steps to achieve this task. This script will automatically create a Software Update Group in SCCM. To further assist the admins, I have also included the ability for the script to generate an excel spreadsheet with a list of the updates that were added to the newly created Update Group. The script then emails the spreadsheet to the designated admin(s). This allows for two things: 1) It reminds the admin that it's that time of the month again, and 2) It allows the admin to review the updates before downloading them, if there are any that need to be removed. That is why I am not automating the package creation portion.

There are three variables that need to be populated: $EmailAddresses, $OperatingSystem, and $Architecture. You can enter multiple email addresses in the $EmailAddresses array. The two optional variables are $UpdateTypes and $Filters. Do not change $Updates.

The script has the ability to specify updates using three different criteria. Set-TimeSpanByMonthsOld lets you specify to include all updates say one month old. My firm deploys updates one month old so that if there are issues in newly released ones, they will typically have been resolved after a month. Say it is currently December, this function will specify all updates from 11/1 to 11/30.

The second criteria is Set-TimeSpanByDatePeriod. This allows for you to specify a specific date range if you are doing a one-off deployment.

The third is Set-TimeSpanAllUpdatesBeforeDate. This allows for you to specify all updates before a specific date to be included.

This script has to be executed on the SCCM server. I have set the script up as a scheduled task that is executed the second Wednesday of every month. You will need to change line 19 to the location of the SCCM module on your server.

I have commented out a few examples within the script.

You can download the script from here.

1:  <#       
2:       .NOTES  
3:       ===========================================================================  
4:        Created with:     SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2015 v4.2.98  
5:        Created on:       12/28/2015 9:08 AM  
6:        Created by:       Mick Pletcher  
7:        Organization:         
8:        Filename:        SoftwareUpdateGroupCreator.ps1  
9:       ===========================================================================  
10:       .DESCRIPTION  
11:            This script will create a new software update group each month. It then  
12:            generates an email to send to the admin(s) to review what updates  
13:            were put into the new update group. It does not download the updates so  
14:            that if an update needs to be removed, it can be done before it is   
15:            downloaded.   
17:  #>  
19:  Import-Module "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"  
21:  function Get-Updates {  
22:       param ([String]$Architecture, [String]$OperatingSystem, [String]$Namespace, $Updates )  
24:       $Updates = @()  
25:       $Updates = Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -Namespace $Namespace  
26:       $Updates = $Updates | where-object { ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -match $OperatingSystem) }  
27:       If ($Architecture -eq "x86") {  
28:            $Updates = $Updates | where-object { ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -notmatch "x64") }  
29:       } elseif ($Architecture -eq "x64") {  
30:            #$Updates = Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -Namespace $Namespace | where-object { ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -match $OperatingSystem) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -match "x64-based Systems") }  
31:            $Updates = Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -Namespace $Namespace | where-object { ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -match $OperatingSystem) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -match "x64") }  
32:       }  
33:       Return $Updates  
34:  }  
36:  function Set-Filters {  
37:       param($Filters, $Updates, $UpdateTypes)  
39:       #Declare Variables  
40:       Set-Variable -Name Filter -Scope Local -Force  
41:       Set-Variable -Name UpdateType -Scope Local -Force  
43:       foreach ($Filter in $Filters) {  
44:            $Updates = $Updates | Where-Object { $_.LocalizedDisplayName -notmatch $Filter }  
45:       }  
46:       If ($UpdateTypes.Count -ge 1) {  
47:            foreach ($UpdateType in $UpdateTypes) {  
48:                 $Updates = $Updates | Where-Object { $_.LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames -match $UpdateType }  
49:            }  
50:            If ($UpdateTypes -eq "Update") {  
51:                 $Updates = $Updates | Where-Object { $_.LocalizedDisplayName -notmatch "Security Update" }  
52:            }  
53:       }  
54:       return $Updates  
56:       #Cleanup Variables  
57:       Remove-Variable -Name Filter -Scope Local -Force  
58:       Remove-Variable -Name UpdateType -Scope Local -Force  
59:  }  
61:  function Set-TimeSpanByMonthsOld {  
62:       param ($MonthsOld, $Updates)  
64:       #Declare Local Variables  
65:       Set-Variable -Name Day -Scope Local -Force  
66:       Set-Variable -Name Month -Scope Local -Force  
67:       Set-Variable -Name FirstDayOfMonth -Scope Local -Force  
68:       Set-Variable -Name LastDayOfMonth -Scope Local -Force  
69:       Set-Variable -Name Today -Scope Local -Force  
71:       If ($MonthsOld -ge 1) {  
72:            $MonthsOld = $MonthsOld * -1  
73:       }  
74:       $Today = Get-Date  
75:       $Month = $Today.AddMonths($MonthsOld)  
76:       $Day = $Month.Day  
77:       $FirstDayOfMonth = $Month.AddDays(($Day - 1) * -1)  
78:       $LastDayOfMonth = [System.DateTime]::DaysInMonth($Month.Year, $Month.Month)  
79:       $LastDayOfMonth = $LastDayOfMonth - 1  
80:       $LastDayOfMonth = $FirstDayOfMonth.AddDays($LastDayOfMonth)  
81:       $FirstDayOfMonth = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime($FirstDayOfMonth)  
82:       $LastDayOfMonth = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime($LastDayOfMonth)  
83:       $Updates = $Updates | Where { ($_.DateCreated -ge $FirstDayOfMonth) -and ($_.DateCreated -le $LastDayOfMonth) }  
84:       return $Updates  
86:       #Cleanup Local Variables  
87:       Remove-Variable -Name Day -Scope Local -Force  
88:       Remove-Variable -Name Month -Scope Local -Force  
89:       Remove-Variable -Name FirstDayOfMonth -Scope Local -Force  
90:       Remove-Variable -Name LastDayOfMonth -Scope Local -Force  
91:  }  
93:  function Set-TimeSpanByDatePeriod {  
94:       param ([String]$StartDate,  
95:            [String]$EndDate,  
96:            $Updates)  
98:       $StartDate = [DateTime]$StartDate  
99:       $StartDate = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime($StartDate)  
100:       $EndDate = [DateTime]$EndDate  
101:       $EndDate = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime($EndDate)  
102:       $Updates = $Updates | Where { ($_.DateCreated -ge $StartDate) -and ($_.DateCreated -le $EndDate) }  
103:       return $Updates  
104:  }  
106:  function Set-TimeSpanAllUpdatesBeforeDate {  
107:       param ([String]$StartDate, $Updates)  
109:       $StartDate = [DateTime]$StartDate  
110:       $StartDate = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime($StartDate)  
111:       $Updates = $Updates | Where { $_.DateCreated -lt $StartDate }  
112:       return $Updates  
113:  }  
115:  function CreateSoftwareUpdateGroup {  
116:       param ($OperatingSystem, $Architecture, $Updates)  
118:       #Declare Variables  
119:       Set-Variable -Name Description -Scope Local -Force  
120:       Set-Variable -Name Month -Scope Local -Force  
121:       Set-Variable -Name SoftwareUpdateGroupName -Scope Local -Force  
122:       Set-Variable -Name SoftwareUpdates -Scope Local -Force  
123:       Set-Variable -Name Temp -Scope Local -Force  
124:       Set-Variable -Name Update -Scope Local -Force  
125:       Set-Variable -Name Year -Scope Local -Force  
127:       $SoftwareUpdates = @()  
128:       $Year = (Get-Date).Year  
129:       $Month = Get-Date -format "MMMM"  
130:       $SoftwareUpdateGroupName = $OperatingSystem + $Architecture + [char]32 + $Month + [char]45 + $Year  
131:       $Description = $SoftwareUpdateGroupName + [char]32 + "Updates"  
132:       foreach ($Update in $Updates) {  
133:            $SoftwareUpdates += ($Update.CI_ID)  
134:       }  
135:       cd BNA:  
136:       $TEMP = New-CMSoftwareUpdateGroup -Name $SoftwareUpdateGroupName -UpdateID $SoftwareUpdates -Description $Description  
137:       cd c:  
138:       $SoftwareUpdates = $null  
140:       #Cleanup Variables  
141:       Remove-Variable -Name Description -Scope Local -Force  
142:       Remove-Variable -Name Month -Scope Local -Force  
143:       Remove-Variable -Name SoftwareUpdateGroupName -Scope Local -Force  
144:       Remove-Variable -Name SoftwareUpdates -Scope Local -Force  
145:       Remove-Variable -Name Temp -Scope Local -Force  
146:       Remove-Variable -Name Update -Scope Local -Force  
147:       Remove-Variable -Name Year -Scope Local -Force  
148:  }  
150:  function ProcessLogFile {  
151:       param([String]$OperatingSystem, [String]$Architecture)  
153:       #Declare Local Variables  
154:       Set-Variable -Name LogFile -Scope Local -Force  
155:       Set-Variable -Name Month -Scope Local -Force  
156:       Set-Variable -Name Output -Scope Local -Force  
157:       Set-Variable -Name temp -Scope Local -Force  
159:       $Month = Get-Date -format "MMMM"  
160:       $OperatingSystem = $OperatingSystem -replace '\s',''  
161:       $LogFile = $env:TEMP + "\" + $OperatingSystem + $Architecture + $Month + "UpdatesReport.csv"  
162:       if ((Test-Path $LogFile) -eq $true) {  
163:            Remove-Item $LogFile -Force  
164:       }  
165:       if ((Test-Path $LogFile) -eq $false) {  
166:            $temp = New-Item $LogFile -ItemType file -Force  
167:            $Output = "Update Name, Article ID, Update Type, Release Date"  
168:            Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -InputObject $Output -Force -Encoding UTF8  
169:       }  
170:       Return $LogFile  
172:       #Cleanup Local Variables  
173:       Remove-Variable -Name LogFile -Scope Local -Force  
174:       Remove-Variable -Name Month -Scope Local -Force  
175:       Remove-Variable -Name Output -Scope Local -Force  
176:       Remove-Variable -Name temp -Scope Local -Force  
177:  }  
179:  function New-Report {  
180:       param($EmailAddressList, $Updates, $OperatingSystem, $Architecture)  
182:       #Declare Variables  
183:       Set-Variable -Name ArticleID -Scope Local -Force  
184:       Set-Variable -Name Body -Scope Local -Force  
185:       Set-Variable -Name DateCreated -Scope Local -Force  
186:       Set-Variable -Name EmailAddress -Scope Local -Force  
187:       Set-Variable -Name Month -Scope Local -Force  
188:       Set-Variable -Name Output -Scope Local -Force  
189:       Set-Variable -Name Subject -Scope Local -Force  
190:       Set-Variable -Name Update -Scope Local -Force  
192:       foreach ($Update in $Updates) {  
193:            $Update.LocalizedDisplayName = $Update.LocalizedDisplayName -replace ",", ""  
194:            $ArticleID = "KB" + $Update.ArticleID  
195:            [String]$DateCreated = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($Update.DateCreated)  
196:            If ($Update.LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames -match "Security Updates") {  
197:                 $Output = $Update.LocalizedDisplayName + "," + $ArticleID + ",Security Update," + $DateCreated  
198:            } elseif (($Update.LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames -notmatch "Security Updates") -and ($Update.LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames -match "Update")) {  
199:                 $Output = $Update.LocalizedDisplayName + "," + $ArticleID + ",Update," + $DateCreated  
200:            } else {  
201:                 $Output = $Update.LocalizedDisplayName + "," + $ArticleID + ", ," + $DateCreated  
202:            }  
203:            Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -InputObject $Output -Append -Force -Encoding UTF8  
204:       }  
205:       $Month = Get-Date -format "MMMM"  
206:       $Subject = $OperatingSystem + $Architecture + [char]32 + $Month + [char]32 + "SCCM Windows Update List"  
207:       $Body = "List of Windows updates added to the" + $OperatingSystem + $Architecture + [char]32 + $Month + " software update group."  
208:       foreach ($EmailAddress in $EmailAddressList) {  
209:            Send-MailMessage -To $EmailAddress -From "engineers@wallerlaw.com" -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -Attachments $LogFile -SmtpServer "smtp.wallerlaw.com"  
210:       }  
211:       $EmailAddresses = $null  
213:       #Cleanup Variables  
214:       Remove-Variable -Name ArticleID -Scope Local -Force  
215:       Remove-Variable -Name Body -Scope Local -Force  
216:       Remove-Variable -Name DateCreated -Scope Local -Force  
217:       Remove-Variable -Name EmailAddress -Scope Local -Force  
218:       Remove-Variable -Name Month -Scope Local -Force  
219:       Remove-Variable -Name Output -Scope Local -Force  
220:       Remove-Variable -Name Subject -Scope Local -Force  
221:       Remove-Variable -Name Update -Scope Local -Force  
222:  }  
224:  #Declare Variables  
225:  Set-Variable -Name Architecture -Scope Local -Force  
226:  Set-Variable -Name EmailAddresses -Scope Local -Force  
227:  Set-Variable -Name Filters -Scope Local -Force  
228:  Set-Variable -Name LogFile -Scope Local -Force  
229:  Set-Variable -Name Namespace -Value root\sms\site_bna -Scope Local -Force  
230:  Set-Variable -Name OperatingSystem -Scope Local -Force  
231:  Set-Variable -Name Updates -Scope Local -Force  
232:  Set-Variable -Name UpdateTypes -Scope Local -Force  
234:  cls  
235:  $EmailAddresses = @("mick.pletcher@test.com")  
236:  $OperatingSystem = "Windows 7" #Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2  
237:  $Architecture = "x86" #x86, x64, or null  
238:  $UpdateTypes = @() #Security Update, Update, Service Pack  
239:  $Filters = @("Internet Explorer 8", "Internet Explorer 9", "Internet Explorer 10")  
240:  $Updates = @()  
242:  $LogFile = ProcessLogFile -OperatingSystem $OperatingSystem -Architecture $Architecture  
243:  $Updates = Get-Updates -Architecture $Architecture -Namespace $Namespace -OperatingSystem $OperatingSystem -Updates $Updates  
244:  $Updates = Set-Filters -Filters $Filters -Updates $Updates -UpdateTypes $UpdateTypes  
245:  $Updates = Set-TimeSpanByMonthsOld -MonthsOld 1 -Updates $Updates  
246:  #$Updates = Set-TimeSpanByDatePeriod -StartDate "1/1/2015" -EndDate "12/28/2015" -Updates $Updates  
247:  #$Updates = Set-TimeSpanAllUpdatesBeforeDate -StartDate "9/30/2015" -Updates $Updates  
248:  CreateSoftwareUpdateGroup -OperatingSystem $OperatingSystem -Updates $Updates -Architecture $Architecture  
249:  New-Report -EmailAddressList $EmailAddresses -Updates $Updates -OperatingSystem $OperatingSystem -Architecture $Architecture  
250:  Write-Host  
251:  Write-Host "Total Number of Updates:"$Updates.Count  
252:  $Filters = $null  
253:  $Updates = $null  
254:  $UpdateTypes = $null  
256:  #Remove Variables  
257:  Remove-Variable -Name Architecture -Scope Local -Force  
258:  Remove-Variable -Name EmailAddresses -Scope Local -Force  
259:  Remove-Variable -Name Filters -Scope Local -Force  
260:  Remove-Variable -Name LogFile -Scope Local -Force  
261:  Remove-Variable -Name Namespace -Scope Local -Force  
262:  Remove-Variable -Name OperatingSystem -Scope Local -Force  
263:  Remove-Variable -Name Updates -Scope Local -Force  
264:  Remove-Variable -Name UpdateTypes -Scope Local -Force  


  1. Great script, thanks for sharing. . Do you have a script to deploy software update group to collections, I have to deploy software update group to multiple collections every month, appreciate your help.
