There is a newer tool located here.
I have been working on writing a new script for SCCM and decided while writing it, I would take one of the functions and make it into a separate script for just retrieving windows updates. Sometimes you need a list to compare against, which is what I am using this for as a reporting tool in another script I am writing.
This script will query the SCCM server for a list of all Microsoft updates for a specific OS. The list can be customized down to a specific architecture, update types, such as security updates and service packs, and the list can filter out such things as IE 8, IE 9, and such.
The first thing is to customize the Namespace variable with your company's sitecode on line 21. Next, you will need to change line 28 to the OS you are wanting to search for. I put a couple of examples beside it, but you can use any OS that is in the All Software Updates list. On line 29, You can enter x86, x64, or null. Such OSs as 2012 R2 don't display a system architecture in the list, so you can use null. For UpdateTypes, you can enter the type of update you want to search for, such as Update or Security Update. If you leave the array blank, it will return all update types. Finally, $Filters lets you filter out updates that contain certain word in the title. I filtered out IE 8, 9, and 10, since my firm uses 11.
The script will then return a list of all updates and then a count of how many were returned.
NOTE: I ran this script from the SCCM server.
You can download this script from here.
I have been working on writing a new script for SCCM and decided while writing it, I would take one of the functions and make it into a separate script for just retrieving windows updates. Sometimes you need a list to compare against, which is what I am using this for as a reporting tool in another script I am writing.
This script will query the SCCM server for a list of all Microsoft updates for a specific OS. The list can be customized down to a specific architecture, update types, such as security updates and service packs, and the list can filter out such things as IE 8, IE 9, and such.
The first thing is to customize the Namespace variable with your company's sitecode on line 21. Next, you will need to change line 28 to the OS you are wanting to search for. I put a couple of examples beside it, but you can use any OS that is in the All Software Updates list. On line 29, You can enter x86, x64, or null. Such OSs as 2012 R2 don't display a system architecture in the list, so you can use null. For UpdateTypes, you can enter the type of update you want to search for, such as Update or Security Update. If you leave the array blank, it will return all update types. Finally, $Filters lets you filter out updates that contain certain word in the title. I filtered out IE 8, 9, and 10, since my firm uses 11.
The script will then return a list of all updates and then a count of how many were returned.
NOTE: I ran this script from the SCCM server.
You can download this script from here.
1: <#
3: ===========================================================================
4: Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2015 v4.2.98
5: Created on: 12/8/2015 9:08 AM
6: Created by: Mick Pletcher
7: Organization:
8: Filename: WindowsUpdatesList.ps1
9: ===========================================================================
11: This script will generate a list of Windows updates from a query of the SCCM
12: server. You will need to customize the Namespace variable for your SCCM
13: server on line 19. Line 27 is where you input the OS you are searching for.
14: This can include any OS in the
15: #>
17: #Declare Variables
18: Set-Variable -Name Architecture -Force
19: Set-Variable -Name Filter -Force
20: Set-Variable -Name Filters -Force
21: Set-Variable -Name Namespace -Value root\sms\site_<sitecode> -Force
22: Set-Variable -Name OperatingSystem -Force
23: Set-Variable -Name Updates -Force
24: Set-Variable -Name UpdateType -Force
25: Set-Variable -Name UpdateTypes -Force
27: cls
28: $OperatingSystem = "Windows 7" #Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2
29: $Architecture = "x86" #x86, x64, or null
30: $UpdateTypes = @() #Security Update, Update, Service Pack
31: $Filters = @("Internet Explorer 8", "Internet Explorer 9", "Internet Explorer 10")
33: If ($Architecture -eq "x86") {
34: $Updates = Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -Namespace $Namespace | where-object { ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -match $OperatingSystem) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -notmatch "x64-based Systems") }
35: } elseif ($Architecture -eq "x64") {
36: $Updates = Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -Namespace $Namespace | where-object { ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -match $OperatingSystem) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -match "x64-based Systems") }
37: } else {
38: $Updates = Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -Namespace $Namespace | where-object { ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -match $OperatingSystem) }
39: }
40: foreach ($Filter in $Filters) {
41: $Updates = $Updates | where {$_.LocalizedDisplayName -notmatch $Filter}
42: }
43: If ($UpdateTypes.Count -ge 1) {
44: foreach ($UpdateType in $UpdateTypes) {
45: $Updates = $Updates | where { $_.LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames -match $UpdateType }
46: }
47: If ($UpdateTypes -eq "Update") {
48: $Updates = $Updates | where { $_.LocalizedDisplayName -notmatch "Security Update" }
49: }
50: }
51: $Updates.LocalizedDisplayName
52: Write-Host
53: Write-Host "Total Number of Updates:"$Updates.Count
54: $Filters = $null
56: #Remove Variables
57: Remove-Variable -Name Architecture -Force
58: Remove-Variable -Name Filter -Force
59: Remove-Variable -Name Filters -Force
60: Remove-Variable -Name Namespace -Force
61: Remove-Variable -Name OperatingSystem -Force
62: Remove-Variable -Name Updates -Force
63: Remove-Variable -Name UpdateType -Force
64: Remove-Variable -Name UpdateTypes -Force
This is great! How easy would it be to add the information regarding Microsoft Office Versions? I'm looking for a complete list when I want to know how many updates for a Windows 7/Office 2010 build for example.
ReplyDeleteAll you would need to do is populate the $OperatingSystem variable with "Microsoft Office 2010" for example.